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Recipes with Vanilla pod

Drinks (cold) Dream vanilla ice cream Dark chocolate (high cocoa content) Cane sugar ...

A liter of ice four dl skimmed milk and two tablespoons of sugar cane, it is to be used for four milkshakes, so one can decide for themselves whether to extra vanilla, strawberry or chocolate flavour. Milkshakes are to be made in a real blender to the ice g

Drinks (cold) Whole bottle brøndum-snaps Usprøjtet Orange Vanilla pod ...

Appelsinen wash thoroughly in lukewarm water and dry it in the paper from the kitchen roll. Dot with a darning or kødnål 40 holes in appelsinen. Put appelsinen into a glass with a large enough opening to appelsinen can be quite down therein. Put coffee beans,

Cakes in form Dumlekarameller A38 cheasy Orange peel and juice from here ...

Beat the eggs thoroughly with sugar, add mashed banana, chopped chocolate and the rest of the ingredients except the dumlekaramellerne. Fill the batter into muffin cups. Behind the cakes at 200 degrees c. alm. oven for approximately 5-6 minutes. Put a Du

Cookies Vanilla pod Oatmeal Dark brown sugar ...

Oatmeal, brown sugar, butter and syrup stirred together, kneaded and rolled out in 2 rods with a diameter of 3 cm. They are packed in tinfoil and place in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. With a sharp knife cut each rod for 15 slices, placed with good

Desserts (cold) Water Vanilla pod Sugar ...

Rinse the apples and peel them. Cut them into small pieces and put them up in a pan. Add ½ decilitre water. Set the pan with water and Apple pieces on a stovetop, put a lid on and screw up completely up the heat. Crack if necessary. a vanilla pod, scrape th

Desserts (cold) (Acacia) honey Sugar Vanilla pod ...

Honey ice: Stir the honey lind with lemon juice and add the egg yolks. Beat the egg whites and whipping cream stiff separately. mix first cream foam in honey mixture and then gently flip the stiftpiskede whites in. Pour mixture into a mold and style it in the

Desserts (cold) Baileys Vanilla pod Whipped cream ...

Crack the 2 vanilla-pods, scratch grains out and got it all in a saucepan. Then add the cream, plums and icing. Warm the mixture through (do NOT boil) under heavy whipping, for it will be a nice thick creamy mass. Let it cool down, but remember to stir in t

Pickling Vanilla pod Atamon, liquid Prune plums ...

Rinse the yolks and dot them deep and close with a fork. Put them layered in a baking pan with sugar. Cover with foil and put them in the middle of the oven at 150 ° in approx. 1 ½-2 hours, the yolks are tender, and the sugar is melted take the yolks out of th