Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Tomatoes

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley ...

Put the chopped onion in a dish in a saucepan. Add water and tomatoes cut into both. Divide the cauliflower into bouquets and also put them in the pan. Season with salt and pepper. Leave to boil for 10 minutes. Bring in teaspoons and warm it through. Tas

Salads Air-dried camembert Pepper Salt ...

Raw cauliflower tastes almost like nuts when used in a salad. Cut cauliflower into small bouquets and put them on the serving dish together with small whole or sliced ​​mushrooms, tomato boats, sliced ​​spring onions and finely squeezed camembert. Whip the dre

Mains Basil, fresh Sea salt Olive oil ...

Pears / onions are cleaned and cut well, swirled in a little olive oil. The cabbage and carrots are cleaned. The cabbage is cut well. The carrots are cut into thin slices. Cabbage and carrots are cooked together with leeks / onions under low heat. When the

Sandwiches Eggs Cucumber Lemon juice. freshly squeezed ...

Red dressing: First peel the paprika into the asparagus water, then stir the remaining ingredients. Peel the chopped or squeezed and add. Season with salt and pepper. Sauce Hollandaise: The butter is melted to clarified butter. White wine and water are boi

Mains A little chili Corn Baked beans or salsa ...

Cut the sausages into smaller pieces and shake them in a little oil together with the vegetables, turn corn and beans in and taste with chilli. Heat the tortillas and add 2 spoonfuls and fold them together.

Salads Freshly ground pepper Salt Freshly grated ginger ...

Peel the mango and the love fruit. Cut the meat from the rocks and split the meat into smaller pieces. Cut the tomatoes in both and the slices of thin slices. Gently mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Squeeze lemon juice and season with salt and pepper.

Mains Pepper Paprika Leek ...

The porridge is cut well, rinsed and placed at the bottom of an ovenproof dish. Come over the hamburger back and season with a little pepper, pour the broth on. Cover with tomato slices and cheese slices, sprinkle some peppers over. Place the dish in the ov

Lunch Pepper Salt Sour cream 18% ...

Chicken breast is cooked on the pan and then cut into thin slices. Bacon roasted on the forehead. Salad, cucumber and tomato are rinsed and cucumbers and tomatoes are cut into slices. Red onions are peeled and cut into slices. dressing: A dressing of