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Recipes with Tomatoes

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Brush the chops quickly in butter, season with lettuce, pepper and peppers. Put them in a fireproof dish. Bring tomato slices over. Stir butter, mustard, chopped onions, lemon juice and finely chopped parsley together. Then spread the butter over the chops.

Mains Broth, possibly from cube Curry and paprika to taste Red bell pepper ...

Cut the chops with curry and peppers and fry the fat on the forehead a few minutes. Spaghetti boil in broth about 10 min. Remove from the water and place in an ovenproof dish. The cutlets are laid over the spaghetti. The mushrooms are shredded, tomatoes

Mains Wheat flour Suit Pepper ...

The chops are lightly bitten and sprinkled with flour, brining quickly on the forehead in golden margarine on both sides. Put the chops in a fireproof dish, decorate with tomato slices and asparagus. sauce: Cook the pan fat with milk and broth and smooth w

Mains Pepper Pepper. White Salt ...

Lemon Sauce: Rinse and chop the parsley. Whip egg yolks, lemon juice and maizena together. Add the hot broth while whipping. Heat the sauce slowly under low heat and still whipping. It must not boil, so it separates. Add the chopped parsley, season with salt

Mains Pepper Salt Leek ...

The rabbit is boiled and then cut into fine strips and marinated in a saucepan: Sherry, kikomansoya, crushed garlic, freshly ground pepper, cornamel and stewed ginger. The mixture puts a cool place, if any. In the refrigerator a couple of hours. Make sure all

Mains Pepper Salt Butter/oil for frying ...

The bunny is boned and divided into appropriate pieces. Season with salt and pepper. Brunes lightly and small-sized underneath the lid in plenty of fat, make sure the meat is not burning. The well-sprinkled spinach is spread in a well-baked oven dish. Sprinkle

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Season the rabbit with salt and pepper and brown in oil / butter. Put finely chopped onions and crushed garlic and put it in the pan with the bouillon. The small-scale now for approx. 30-40 min. Under cover. The cleaned peppers are finely sliced ​​and put into

Mains Kikoman or Chinese soy sauce Oil for frying Pepper ...

The meat is cut into small cubes and brune in hot oil, do not be too greasy with the oil. Celery, carrots and potatoes are cut well and put into the pan, along with spices and water. The pan is now over steady heat for approx. 45 min. The tomatoes are cut into