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Recipes with Tomatoes

Mains Rosé peberkorn, crushed Pasta, fresh Red onion ...

Tooth stikkerne soak in water for 2 min Filet'en cut to approximately 8 steaks. A piece of bacon wrapped around each steak, and a toothpick to be laid in order to hold on to it. Mushrooms cleaned and cut into quarters. Red onions, peeled and cut into both.

Mains Pepper Water, broth or red wine Salt ...

Put kalkuncyvette (boneless thighs) with skin side down, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Chop the dried tomatoes coarsely and put them on the meat. Roll the meat along with the skin side facing outwards, and tie a string around it. Slice the squash and t

Mains Pepper Salt Spring onions ...

Slice the carrots and parsley root into cubes. Chicken and ripping off tomateren and cut them in both. Chop the dried tomatoes. Rinse the spinach and chop it coarsely. Cut the spring onions into slices. Mix all the vegetables in a pan, pour the tomato j

Mains A little tarragon Pepper Salt ...

The fintsnittede mushroom roasted in 25 gram butter, finely chopped onion add. Tomatoes and juice is passed through a fine sieve into the dish. The small-minded bouillon cube in conjunction with salt and pepper, all some gruel is a little, and then the cream i

Mains Fill Oregano, dried Paprika ...

Dough: Stir yeast and water together. Stir in margarine, salt, buttermilk into mixture. Knead flour into little by little. Stuffing: melt margarine in a saucepan. Saute the meat in it. Add the grated carrot and onion, chopped tomato, as well as the rest of

Appetizers Basil Italian bread sprinkled with spice (eg. Naples from brugsens bakery) Grated cheese (not to the light version) ...

Stir in tomato paste, along with oil and pressed garlic. Cut the bread into slices and butter the individual slices with mixture. Cut the tomatoes into slices so thin as possible, and put these on. Sprinkle the slices with Basil and a little grated cheese.

Mains Egg cake Olive oil Oregano, fresh ...

Rinse and dry the tomatoes. Cut a cross in the top and sprinkle them with salt and a BOSSMAN tip is also to sprinkle with oregano. Style tomatoes on a plate with wax paper or in a small ovenproof dish and bake them in the Middle the oven together with the egg

Soups EVS. a few mint leaves Hard-boiled chopped eggs Pepper ...

Chicken and peel the tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes into smaller pieces. Cut the cucumbers into quarters and remove the seeds. Cut the cucumber into smaller pieces. 'S peberfrugten and cut into smaller pieces. Chop onion and garlic coarsely. Got all these vegetabl