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Recipes with Tomatoes

Sides Pepper Salt Celery salt ...

Low of freshly boiled potatoes, mashed potato powder or use a remnant from the day before. Stir in egg yolks, grated onion and small ham cubes in and taste the bog with salt, pepper and celery salt. Put kartoffelmosen as four major peaks in a greased, ov

Mains Chili sauce etc. to give a little power Onion Great canned tomato puree (can be omitted if the beans are in tomato sauce) ...

Brown the meat along with chopped onion and garlic and cook about 20 minutes with the beans and puree. There are seasoned with salt and chili (it must be able to be tasted but must not be pounding strong), a little dried Basil. While the sauce is boiling, c

Mains Strong taco sauce or crème fraiche Iceberg lettuce Oil ...

Cut the meat into fine strips. Brown the meat in oil. Add the taco-or chilimix and water. Stir. Let it simmer on a low heat for most of the liquid is cooked in. stir now and then. Crush taco shells approximately 5 minutes in a 175-degree warm oven. Cu

Mains Mild or strong taco sauce Water Lettuce head in strips ...

Warm the fat in a frying pan. Add the minced meat little by little and sprinkle tacokryd therein. Stir so that the meat will be slightly browned, add water and let it all simmer some my ufter to a heavy meat sauce. Season to taste and add if necessary. more

Mains Bean sprouts EVS. 1 small ripe mango EVS. grated cheese ...

Tomatrelish: cut a lid of the tomatoes. Pressure them free of cores and slice the tomato flesh into small dice. Arrow and chop the onion. Mix the tomatoes, onion and corn kernels. Dressing: grate the Orange rind and mix all the ingredients together. Season

Mains Iceberg, lettuce Spice mix Cucumber ...

Brown the meat in a dry pan, then add the Spice mixture and a little water and let it simmer under a lid for low heat for approximately 10-15 minutes. The vegetables are cleaned and placed in separate bowl. Cheese and gaio served in the same way. Server

Mains Bacon, sliced Lettuce head Hard boiled eggs ...

Fry the bacon on a dry Pan Hugs the fried bacon Cut 3 hard-boiled eggs, sliced tomatoes in both Average ¼ 3 cut the lettuce head fine. Are served in separate bowls with HEIDELBERG Bretagne Dressing as an accompaniment.

Soups (to be used 1 dl of this Fund) (to be used 2 dl of this Fund) Brown Fund ...

Hummeren blended with a pointed knife in the middle of the head shield (although it still spræller, is the dead) The 2 claws and tail broken off, the Brown sharply in the oil. (Head is saved) Brown Fund: the legs cut into smaller pieces, the Brown in the ov