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Recipes with Tomato puree

Mains Coarse salt Oil Pepper ...

Half the aubergines alongside. Clean the shells. Cut the eggplant meat into cubes and sprinkle the skins inside with salt. Let them pull while you make the fill. Season meat, onions and garlic in oil. Add the aubergines, carved tomatoes, tomato puree, orega

Lunch (to go) Tomato puree Flour or wheat flour Grahams ...

Spread the yeast into the water in a large bowl Bring oil, salt, grahamsmel and durum wheat flour in. Add approx. 3 dl wheat flour Put the dough on the drill add the rest of the flour. Knead the dough well together. Put the dough back into the bowl and put

Mains Freshly ground pepper Apple juice or oksebullion Diced tomatoes (400 g) ...

Chop the loaves well, heat a frying pan with oil and put the loaves in. Let the bulbs warm them for approx. 5 min. Put the meat in and brown it completely and stir a saucepan. Peel the carrots and tear them down on a grater or put them in. A food processor. Pu

Various Oregano Cheese Tomato puree ...

Stir the yeast in lukewarm water Add salt Add durum flour Add flour flour slightly and knead it well Divide the dough in about 6 to 8 pieces Let the balls rise for 15 minutes. Brush with tomato pure, put some cheese on and sprinkle oregano

Mains Oil/margarine to Brown meat and onions Pepper Salt ...

Onions and pepper fillets are cut into strips and chopped and chili finely sliced. Put onion and garlic on the fat. When the onions have a little color, the meat is baked in the pot. When the meat is fully divided into tiny pieces, add the cloves, pepper and c

Mains Freshly ground pepper Suit Olive oil ...

Both dough and million steak are made the day before, and double portion of the milieffieff, eaten as such. Dough: Soak the yeast into the cold water and knead it with the rest of the ingredients for a minimum of 5 minutes. Set in a refrigerator and leav

Soups Bacon, diced Pepper Parsley ...

Put the magarine in a pan for frying. Sweat curry, onions, garlic (leave 1-2 fat for later) and bacon. Then add water and broth. After a while add additional vegetables. When the vegetables have softened, add extra garlic. Season with salt, pepper and cur

Mains Sour cream Advance Wholemeal bread ...

Pour the water from the beans, rinse them and cook them separately in plenty and unsalted water for 50-60 minutes with a few laurel leaves, or until they are tender but not boiled. Brown the meat in a little oil in a large, hot pot. Add onion, garlic, celer