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Recipes with Salt

Mains Ketchup Pepper Salt ...

Potatoes, cucumbers and onions are cut into small tern and mixed. Mayonnaise and creme fraice are mixed. The dressing is seasoned with salt, pepper and sugar. Dressing and potato blend are mixed together, cooked to and cold for serving. Server potato sa

Mains Ketchup Pepper Mustard ...

Fold 2 slices of bacon about each sausage and raise them with low heat. Melt the margarine and season the sliced ​​onions until they are clear but not brown. Add water and vinegar. The sliced ​​onions are boiled tenderly for about 5 minutes. Spices are adde

Breakfast & brunch Poppy seeds Sesame seeds or look like Eggs ...

Start dissolving the yeast in the water, sugar and salt. Add the skimmed-milk powder. Then add egg and fat, preferably completely melted. Finally add flour. Knead the dough, like in the machine. Then make the dough into a ball and let it rise on a table (so

Sides Oregano Pizzatopping Salt ...

1: warm water and oil for fingers. 2: Put the yeast in a stir bowl. Stir out the yeast with a little of the liquid. 3: Add the rest of the liquid, salt and flour 4: Stir the dough smoothly. Let it rise covered 30 min a loose place without drag. 5:

Lunch Lemon juice Curry Pepper ...

A pan of oil is heated and the chicken breast is seasoned with salt and pepper. Shake the toast bread. Stir all the ingredients to the dressing together and taste it. Set the sandwich with green, meat and dressing. tips: Cooking time is max 30 min.

Drinks (cold) Salt Sugar Lemons ...

The lemons are squeezed and the juice is poured into a bowl. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of sugar in the lemon juice (make sure the sugar is well dissolved, otherwise it is only in the bottom of the glass). Add 5 dl of water and stir well. Taste the mixture and a

Various Salt Butter Nypoppede popcorn ...

Put a little bit of salt on the stuffed popcorn (less than you normally would) Melt the butter in a saucepan and turn the popcorn into the pan with the butter. Server immediately .. tips: The popcorn would like to be crisp when they turn into the pan .

Bread, buns & biscuits Olive oil Salt Water ...

Mix all the ingredients together, divide the dough into two and roll out the baking sheet. Cut into dough into pieces of appropriate crispbread. Bag approx. 15 min. At 200 degrees.