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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Rodselleri ...

Cut the meat in pieces on 5x5x3 cm. mix the flour with salt and pepper and turn the pieces of meat in it and fry them then in the butter in a saucepan. Came the pork meat in a baking dish and add the Apple juice, chopped onions and diced by rodselleri. Close t

Mains Pepper Salt Beer ...

Brown ox bow on a frying pan in oil. Boxes the fat and season with salt and pepper. Put beef shoulder in a heat-proof dish so. Add the beer and water. Close the dish, with URf.eks. silver foil, and place it in the oven for 2 ½-3 hours at 175 degrees C alm. ove

Mains Pepper Salt Celeriac ...

Cut the meat into cubes of 1 x 1 cm. Crack the Chili's and remove the seeds. Then chop the chilies, onion and garlic finely. Sauté it all in oil in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Add the spices, tomatoes cut into cubes and water. Let it all småsimre, covered, for

Mains Wheat flour Suit Pepper ...

Them peeled and cut into slices, turn over in the flour and sprinkled with salt and pepper. Brown in margarine 5-6 min. on each side. Take the finished fried beets of the forehead. Cut the onions in slices and brown them in the excess margarine in the pan.

Soups Chervil, fresh Pepper Salt ...

The onion cut into fine cubes and cooked in browned butter for a few minutes. Peel the Jerusalem artichokes, cut them into thin slices and add to the pot along with potatoes, also cut into thin slices. Pour broth through, sprinkle with salt, pepper and thym

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

The meat is cut into cubes. The vegetables are cleaned and cut into similar pieces the meat Brown. Onions carrots and celery, Horseradish and Brown with, for it has gotten a little color. Kryderierne added, and there have to thin water down with broth, and the

Mains Pepper Salt Bouquet garni (parsley, thyme, bay leaf tied together) ...

Cut the beef in 3-4 cm. wide cubes and bacon into small cubes. Let the butter melt in a large frying pan. Add the bacon cubes and stir well in it. When bacon is well roasted meat are added to Sauté it well. Add onions and carrots. Then add the hot broth.

Mains A bit of butter Pepper Salt ...

Start by melting butter in a thick-bottomed 35 g. pot (pot and lid must be able to stand to go in the oven. Cut the onions in slices and brown them in this ca. 15 min. until they are light brown. Take the bulbs up and style the Pan aside. Cut the meat into