Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Lunch Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Pepper Salt ...

Herring fillets cut into small pieces, and place in a serving dish with the chopped eggs and onions. Whipped cream for whipped cream which is stirred with mayonnaise and season, met over herring and pulls in at least an hour. Garnish with egg and tomato.

Soups Pepper Salt Daggammelt French bread ...

Rinse the cabbage and share it in flower bouquets. Got 2 whole cloves peeled garlic in a pan with olive oil and let them brown slightly in the oil. Brown also they swabbed blom-kålsbuketter. Pour water on to it just covered. Add the vinegar and let the soup bo

Mains Legs and head from the fish Leaf celery Yellow pepper ...

The fish is filleted. Fund: fish bones and head FRY in butter. Water is added and brought to the boil. Lightly. Vegetables into smaller pieces, peppercorns and salt added. Spin together about 30 min. Pull 30 min and filtered through a cloth. Clam ravioli

Mains Pepper Salt Dry white wine ...

Makes a large heat-proof casserole dish or baking pan ready-the dish must "fores" with a piece of aluminum foil, which is twice as large as the dish. Lightly grease the foil with fat, like butter. Then clean the fish, the White side cleansed extra well-and

Appetizers Pepper Salt Lime juice ...

Filetér turbot and place it on a greased pan. Pour the white wine over to the bottom is covered, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover it all with tin foil and steam fish over low flame. Do not remove the skin of the fish is finished! Steam the green asp

Mains Egg yolks Cayenne pepper Lemon juice ...

Brown pigvaren 2-3 minutes in a little butter and season with salt and pepper. Got it in a medium hot oven for about 10 minutes. The sauce is made by whipping egg yolks and water together over a water bath. When the egg yolks have been thick add butter while s

Mains Add to this the 20 small onions and, of course, meat from Goose and a liver Goose Fat A little allspice and herbs: thyme-Marjoram-lovage and Basil ...

Gåsekød pork and cut into small pieces and turned into a pan with the butter. When the meat is nicely browned, take it up, and the onions and sauté till they granted takes color. Also they are taken up and butter baked up with a little flour until it starts to

Buffets Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Amazing through legs, fillets the fillets can be cut by the end of the. Fillet reversed first in flour, then in beaten egg and then in bread crumbs. Roast the fillet on a hot pan in butter. Served warm with lemon boats and remulade.