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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Suit Pepper Whipped cream ...

Animal back rub with salt and pepper. Put thin slices of lard on your back or subcutaneous fat. Place it in the gennemfugtede roaster. Make a sauce of the fat, flour and milk and color it with colour. Pour it over the animal back. Increased by 220 degree

Mains Suit Pepper Whipped cream ...

Cut packed into strips and blubber Hare with it. Rub it with salt and pepper. Make a sauce of the fat, flour, broth and milk and color it with colour. Put the Hare in the gennemfugtede roaster. Pour the sauce over and fry the Hare in 1 ½ to 1 ¾ hour at 220 deg

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Put wild ducks in milk for 24 hours. Dry them well and rub them with salt and pepper. Put them in the gennemfugtede roaster. Place the pork slices on ændernes chest and hold it firmly with skewers. Make a afbagning of fat, flour, soup and cream and pour over t

Mains Wheat flour Suit Pepper ...

Fill the cleaned Pheasant with mushrooms cut in pieces. Came some butter and salt by. Close fasanerne with metalkød sticks and rub them with salt and pepper. Put them in the gennemfugtede roaster. Place the thin slices of lard on the breast with skewers. The b

Mains Father of 1 large fillet Pepper Salt ...

Mal kalkunens kødmaskinen or click through the giblets coarsely. It can also be ground in a blender. Came the kødfarsen and fill in the forcemeat in the cleaned Turkey. Rub it with salt. Place it in the gennemfugtede roaster. The Turkey should roast about 2 ½

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Rub the redecorated pigeons in-and outside with salt and pepper. Put very thin fat slices of breast and thigh. Hold them in place using skewers. Place the pigeons in the gennemfugtede roaster. Fry them at 220 degrees C for about 1 hour. Frying time depends

Mains Turkey liver Pepper Salt ...

Boil the chestnuts, then they can tamper-proof. Cut them into small pieces and mix them with playing petty lives. Make a father of chestnuts, liver, eggs, veal, whiskey and spices. It came in the cleaned Turkey. Rub the Turkey with salt and place it in the out

Mains Pepper Salt Milk ...

Soft French bread up in milk. Mal liver through kødmaskinen or findel it on the blender. Tubes the liver with French bread, which may have occurred. excess milk is poured from. Got eggs, crushed garlic, marjoram, salt and pepper in the filling in the cleaned p