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Recipes with Oatmeal

Snacks Whipped cream Sugar Oatmeal ...

Mix it all together. tips: They taste really good, but they should preferably be cold and they are the best.

Desserts (cold) Plain cherry sauce , round grain milled Almonds ...

Follow a regular recipe for rice à l'amande, but use rice milk to cook the rice instead of plain milk, and use soy sauce, which is whipped to foam instead of whipped cream / whipped cream. It tastes very good - different, but as delicious as plain rice à l'ama

Candy Icing sugar so they are customize sweet Cocoa aftertaste Romessens after taste ...

Melt the palmit and mix it all, put in the fridge 1/2 for a full time so they are to roll in the hand to small balls Roll them finally into coconut flour and put them cold until they are eaten. tips: I lived in Greenland for 5 years when I was a child a

Mains Eggs Oatmeal Wheat flour ...

The tuna is diluted and kneaded together with the other ingredients in the same way as ordinary meatballs. Finally, use the flour to control the consistency. tips: These meatballs are also suitable for the food package. A healthy alternative. Your own tas

Bread, buns & biscuits 5-10 TSP. cocoa Salt Liquid margarine ...

Boil milk and five-grain mixture for a couple of minutes, remember to stir strongly during cooking, otherwise the milk will stick to the bottom, allow to cool for approx. 10 min. Then add margarine to the mixture. Mix the dry ingredients into a bowl, mix the

Cakes in form Boiling water Wheat flour Melted margarine ...

Bake on the bottom shelf in the oven at 175 degrees for 50 minutes. (Baked the day before use). Good with burned figs and whipped cream.

Candy Coconut to sprinkle Coffee Sugar/flormellis ...

Pour all the ingredients into a bowl except coconut. Mix it well with your hands. Taste if something is missing. Roll them into balls according to their own taste. (Not too big) drys eventually coconut on them. Leave them in a refrigerator with film for approx

Cakes Romessens Butter Cocoa ...

Oatmeal is blended. Everything is mixed together. Begged for balls.