Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced beef

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Chop minced onion and beef slightly oil. Trumpet curry, garlic, salt and pebbles. Cut the raw potatoes into slices and put a layer into a greased oven dish. Lay a layer of dad and saw a layer of sliced ​​tomatoes. Sprinkle with thyme and repeat until all is ex

Mains Bacon Cheese Pepper ...

Form 8 thin steaks. Lay the stuff on the 4 and put the others over and squeeze them together at the edge. Put bacon around. Sprinkle with salt and pebbles. Stir in the oven for approx. 20 min at. 200 gr. Let them pull for 5 min before serving.

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Brown the meat in a saucepan with a little fat. Chop the hook. Cut the carrots and slices into thin slices and season them together with the meat. Add the pressed garlic-pure-peppers and water until it covers the dish. Let it simmer under the lid for approx.

Mains Basil Finthakkes A little water ...

Mix it all and cook at low heat for 2-3 hours Finally cook pasta and mix it together at last. Cook with parmasan cheese

Mains Water Yellow mustard Concentrated tomatpúre ...

Cut the lids and season them until they are slightly golden. Put the minced beef in and simmer for a few minutes. Add water, garlic, vinegar, dumplings, mustard, tomato pours and stir it together. Let it simmer for approx. 15 min.

Mains Lasagne sheets (preferably fresh) A little chili Pepper ...

The oven is heated to 200 degrees. Chop the onions and throw them in a pan of grease. Squeeze the garlic in it. Stir around until they are soft. (They do not get brown, so take care of the heat!) Put the meat in and stir until cooked. Then add tomato puree and

Mains Pepper Pizza seasoning or thyme Salt ...

Cut the aubergines in half and sprinkle the pizza seasoning. Put them in an ovenproof dish or on a baking sheet and leave them for about 45 minutes at 200g. When finished, scrape the meat and throw it out Peel the potatoes cut them into the tern, put them i

Mains Freshly ground pepper Finely chopped yellow onions (about 75 grams) Coarse salt ...

Let the butter melt in a sauté pan with high heat but without burning. Chop the meat for approx. 2 min. Add onion and garlic and chop for another approx. 1 min. Add tomatoes, sauce, salt and pepper and let the meat sauce boil on even heat and stirring for appr