Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced beef

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Wheat flour to udruldning ...

FARSEN: Preheat the oven to 180%. Pil onion and garlic, peel carrot and potato and brush mushroom. Press garlic. Cut the leaf celery, mushroom and the other vegetables in roughly equal cubes. Bring it all in a saucepan and put it on low heat with a little oliv

Mains Lemon pepper Salt Dill ...

Beef, rasp, eggs & amp; Spices mixed well. The dill is also chopped and mixed with the meat. Made as fry dishes and roasted on the forehead - where they will only be browned! Once they have been browned, they are put in a refractory dish. Peppers are choppe

Mains Spices to taste Pepper Grated cheese ...

Cook the pasta half done. Sprinkle spinach so all liquid is gone. Stir the beef with onions. Mix it all together in a pan with tomatoes and cream. Gratiners with cheese in the oven for 30 min.

Mains Eggs Peanuts Raw cucumber ...

Beefed brown and chilli sauce added. Let it simmer 15 min. The eggs are boiled and chopped. The other accessories are cut into small terns.

Mains Oil Salt Pasta screws ...

Boil the pasta. Pour the gingerbread into a bowl and set aside. Pour 0.75 dl of water into a saucepan and melt the broth into it. Then pour the liquid broth into the yoghurt. Squeeze in and taste with salt. Take a pan and dry the pine nuts. They must NOT

Mains Garam marsala Tandooripulver Skinned tomatoes ...

Add water to the rice. When boiling, the rice is poured. Chop onion and garlic nicely. And put it in a saucepan until they start to burn. Add the beef and raise it. Then pour the spices. Put spinach, coconut milk and tomato in the pan. Let it simmer until the

Mains Pepper Salt Yellow bell pepper ...

Put pasta to boil and pour it into a large bowl when done, like a bowl of lid .. While the pasta boils the beef with the two cloves of garlic and salt and pepper. When finished pour over the pasta in the large bowl. Cut the peppers into small squares and sli

Mains Bread Pepper Salt ...

Heat the oven to 175 degrees C. Filling: Steps cleared in oil. Add the meat and raise until it has changed color. Turn the spinach in and warm it all through. Stir half of the parmesan cheese and egg yolk. Season with garlic, salt and pepper. Remove the he