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Recipes with Minced beef

Mains Cucumber Bacon Burger dressing ...

The steaks: Chop the loaf very fine and squeeze the garlic. Then mix all the steak ingredients in a bowl and mix well together. The steaks are roasted and turned on the forehead until brown and seasoned with salt and pepper. Burgerbollerne: Heat in the oven

Mains Ketchup Oregano Pepper ...

The finely chopped onion comes in a saucepan and brown until it is almost finished. The meat comes in and is browned completely. The cocktail sausages and mushrooms (optionally with the liquid) are poured into and then stirred for a few minutes. Then the tomat

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh basil, chopped ...

Cook bacon golden with good heat. Turn down the heat and add onions and turn the slice to the slant is transparent, not brown. Add carrots and cook another 2 min. Add chopped beef and stir until it has split and changed color. Add parsley, basil, lemon peel, b

Mains After the taste needs paprika Lasange sheets, possibly pasta Pepper as needed ...

Pour the oil into a pan and burn the peppers. Put onion and let it simmer a little. Put the meat in and simmer until it turns light brown. Put the tomato puree in and turn it around. Then, the navy tomatoes, pour the can with water and pour it in. Pepper and t

Mains Pepper Salt Apple ...

Put the pads in soft in water. Turn on the oven at 250 degrees. Stir the 2 kinds of meat together with rasp, egg and cream. Spice the dad with salt and pepper and shape it into an elongated egg. Make a dug along and put soaked swamps and small apples in it.

Mains Freshly ground white pepper Freshly ground pepper Lasagne sheets ...

The onions are chopped and the carrots are peeled and torn. The bacon is chopped fine. Chopped the chopped meat with a little oil together with onions, carrots and crushed garlic and add the red wine. Add the bouillon and tomato paste and cook the sauce a litt

Mains Grated cheese Mornay sauce Bacon, diced ...

Cook pasta al dente. Brown the beef in a saucepan. Step the bacon crispy - possibly. Fat removed. Broccoli is steamed or put into boiling water 3-5 minutes. Turn on the oven 180 degrees hot air ell. 200 degree hot oven. Put the beef in a lightly greased

Mains A little margarine Pepper Salt ...

Mix the meat with egg yolks, rasp, finely chopped onion, chopped capers, beetroot in the tern, some salt and pepper. Boil the potatoes. Step the steaks 4-5 min on each side. Take off and cook with cream and water. When in jogging add the broth the dice.