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Recipes with Melted butter

Cakes in form Baking soda Nellige Milk ...

The eggs are divided into flowers and white, the flower is whipped together with the milk, the white is placed in the refrigerator. Flour, nectar, cinnamon, baking soda and sugar are mixed together in another bowl. Then the egg mixture comes and looks stirrin

Cakes Milk Melted butter Eggs ...

Eggs and sugar whipped well whip it with an electric whip for approx. 5 min. It makes it more airy. Then where the other ingredients are added in order. Pour the dough into muffin cups approx. 24 str. Or a width pan. 200 * c Cooking time for 1/2 hour. ti

Cakes Milk Eggs Baking soda ...

Eggs and sugar are whipped together. Flour, cocoa and baking soda are sieved in the mixture. Finally pour the milk and the melted butter into the mixture. 2 minutes in the microwave at the highest power. tips: Muffin molds must be filled half up =)

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Beer Nut or almond flakes ...

Pancakes: Whip everything except butter, along with electric whips, and there will be no lumps. Stir the butter in. Let the dough rest approx. 10 min. Before baking for thin pan-cakes on a not too large slip-pan. Peel the apples and cut them in both. Let the

Cookies Melted butter Baking soda udrørt in 2 tbsp. boiling water Brown sugar ...

Stir the dry ingredients together, add butter and baking soda to water. Be tipped to balls like oatmeal sprouts, place on a baking sheet and press gently flat with a fork Add if necessary. More butter if they do not hang together. Bake at 200 degrees for 15

Cakes in form Boiling water Cold milk Eggs ...

Eggs and sugar are whipped well, the melted butter is brought in, the cocoa is poured out with boiling water, the cold milk in it. All the eggs are added. Finally, flour and baking soda are sifted. The dough is quite thin. Baked in sand cake form at 160-170 de

Cakes in form Salt Melted butter Sugar ...

1- Heat the oven to 190 degree 2-Whip egg and sugar white and airy. 3-Mix vanilla, cocoa, salt and flour, stir them in the egg mixture. 4- Melt butter and chill. 5- Turn eventually melted, cooled butter. 6- Mix thoroughly. 7- Pour the dough into a grease

Sides Sugar Wheat flour Cinnamon ...

The bread is scratched and torn on a grater. Dough stir together of bread, egg, flour, salt, sugar, cinnamon, melted fat and so much soup that the dough becomes firm and coherent. The dough is rolled into a sausage, cut out and rolled into buns, slightly la