Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Melted butter

Desserts (patisserie) Eggs Cardamom Salt ...

The evening before: Remove the butter to the remoncen from the refrigerator to keep it soft. Dissolve yeast in the cold milk. Add melted butter, salt, sugar and cardamom. Then add the flour gradually while stirring well. Erase the dough well and then ro

Desserts (warm) 1 large skillet at least 30 cm in diameter!! Strawberry parfait Strawberry sauce ...

Strawberry parfait The one tbsp. Sugar sprinkles over the rinse and quilted strawberries - let them stand and marinate while moving on. Whip egg yolks and sugar with a hand knife for a thick egg scoop. Whip the cream to light foam. Blend the marinated strawbe

Cakes Cacaopulver Chocolate digestive biscuits, crushed Sour cream ...

Preheat the oven to 240 degrees. Lubricate a 25 cm spring form and bring baking paper to the bottom only. Mix biscuits and melt butter well and squeeze it into the bottom with a spoon. Cool. Whip cream cheese and sugar with chillies until it is light and a

Cakes Lemon juice Over 0.5 dl. whipping cream Wheat flour ...

BOTTOM Crush the biscuits into a bag of baking roll, to a nice rasp Sugar, cinnamon and butter come in the bag. Mix well with your hands until it has a marcipan-like texture. If not, you need more butter. Pour the bag's contents into a pan and spread it

Cakes in form Cocoa Wheat flour Sugar ...

Add the ingredients in the order in which they are written. The yeast always lasts. Program quick Let the cake cool in the bucket, the cake is loosened on the sides with a wooden pan (never metal). The chilled cake can be powdered with a flourish through

Cakes in form Cocktail cherries Lemon juice Vanilleessens ...

BOTTOM Crush, mix and spread over a pan. TOP Mix and pour overcooked. BAG In the middle of a 175g warm oven about 50min. ORNAMENTS Let the cake cool. Whip whipped cream and leg. tips: J

Cakes in form Warm coffee (for the glaze is appropriate, not too thin.) Buttermilk Melted butter ...

Melted margarine and sugar whipped for a long time. Stir tenderloin in, mix flour, cinnamon and soda i. Bake 25-30 min. In frying pan at 200 degrees. Cool for about 10 minutes, cover with icing tips: Stay healthy for up to a week on the kitchen table

Breakfast & brunch Lemon juice Cola Cocoa ...

Mix all the ingredients together and whip Put ashes. Cocoa (chocolate soup) Ciron (citrus pancakes) Cola (coca pancakes)