Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Butter or margarine

Cakes Apricot or orange Marmalade Sugar Cream ...

The yeast dissolved in cream, after which all ingredients kneaded together into a uniform dough, which rests on a cold place, preferably in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes. Then shared the dough into 2 equal pieces that are shaped into balls and rolle

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Icing ...

Wheat flour and the other ingredients kneaded together into a uniform dough. The fat must not be softened but have its normal texture. The finished dough into 3 equal pieces, which rolled out for sausages in ca. 3 cm. thickness, at which point the set to cool,

Cakes in form Chocolate Water Cocoa ...

Fill and decorate: Sugar and water cooked to a syrup which is set to cooling. The chocolate is melted and stir in the sugar, bed sheet, and it all cools, it is hand warm. The 100 g. chocolate melted in a water bath. When the chocolate is hand warm touched 4

Cakes in form Egg white Coarse sugar Milk ...

Dissolve the yeast in the cold milk, and then the flour and the other ingredients kneaded in a uniform dough. A third of the dough is formed into a ball, resting a few minutes. Folded or rolled out the dough and place in a greased springform, ca. 24 cm. in dia

Cakes Eggs Salt Raspberry jam ...

Remember, everything you need for the gærdeje, must have room temperature before they begin, then the dough easier to work with, and the results better. Lunes, milk is poured into a dish, dissolve the yeast and therein. Remember, the yeast must not be heate

Desserts (cold) Sugar Cocoa Harvergryn ...

r butter soft. Byt there after oatmeal in rø it together and then put in and then sugar and coconut which after cocoa and milk Tips: No:-)

Cakes in form Eggs Pineapple juice Baking soda ...

Fill: the fat is melted and poured into a springform with flat bottom, approx. 24 cm., powder sugar sprinkled on, and on top of the 7 slices of pineapple. The fat and sugar is stirred together. The fat should be softened to a consistency like mayonnaise, an

Cakes in form Cream and frosting Milk Baking soda ...

Fat, powdered sugar and sugar is stirred together. The fat should be softened to a consistency like mayonnaise, and then add the eggs one at a time, and finally mix the flour and the other ingredients in, and it all touched to a uniform mass. Pour into a gr