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Mains recipes

Mains Extra virgin olive oil Marjoram Pepper ...

Onions are cut into pieces and welded on the forehead. Hamkefars is added with spices and lighted easily. Flaked tomatoes and tomato puree are added to the dish. Let it simmer a little. Butter is melted in a saucepan and flour is whipped in it. Then broth i

Mains Mint, fresh Pepper Rosemary, fresh ...

Put some pockets in the lamb and fill half the garlic and rosemary pie. Make a marinade of lemon peel, lemon juice, lime juice, white wine, olive oil and possibly. Little mint. Put the lamb in a large freezer and pour marinade down to it. Close the bag well, p

Mains Pepper Vegetable broth Chopped tomatoes ...

Let the butter melt in a large pot, but without melting. Chop onions and garlic roughly and chop them in the butter for approx. 1 minute. Chop the carrots roughly and add them and the rest of the ingredients. Boil on low heat, under low pressure, for about 20

Mains Pepper Salt Apple ...

Rinse and peel the potatoes Cut potatoes into smaller pieces Boil them tenderly in clean water, under the lid Cut red beans into cubes and place in a small bowl Cut the onions in slices Cut the apple into cubes Shake the bacon nuts crispy on a dry pan R

Mains Cream of Leek/bacon mass Pepper Salt ...

The puppies are made to be cut and cut for about 1 cm thick. Peel the beef tenderloin while doing this. Let a pan be hot, the beef tenderloin is browned on all sides and cooled off. Bacon is on the forehead until they are half finished (about 10 min) and the

Mains Breading Pepper Salt ...

Mix Nuts. Flour and spices well together in a deep dish Turn the egg out into a different deep plate and stir it around with a fork. Turn the chicken into the egg and roll it in the nuts flour and spices. Stir the chickens until they are well brown on b

Mains Olive oil Paprika Soy sauce ...

A few hours before dinner, a marinade of olive oil, a garlic clove, soy and peppers is made. Cut the chicken fillet into the tern and place it in the marinade. Put a frying pan on high heat (8). Season bacon and onion for a few minutes and pour the marina

Mains Nutmeg Oil Pepper ...

Peel root vegetables and cut them into thin spells. Put them on a piece of baking paper in a refractory dish. Pour oil over. Sprinkle salt and thyme over. Bake in the oven for 35 minutes at 210 degrees C. alm. oven. Pour spinach into a door layer and sque