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Mains recipes

Mains Minced ham småkød with 10-12% fat Flour Pepper ...

Form the meat into rissoles, approx. 1 ½ cm thick. Flip krebinetterne in flour, salt and pepper. Heat the fat in the pan. Brown krebinetterne approx. 1 min. on each side. Finished rose 4-6 min. on each side. Serving: Krebinetterne can be served with cold po

Mains Fresh herbs Pepper Whipped cream ...

Cut the rind from the bacon and cut it in thin strips. Gently fry them crispy on one forehead for even heat. Be taken up and afdryppes on paper towel. Came the pasta in a large pot of boiling water and cook until the games ' al dente '. Afdryppes in straine

Mains Pepper Salt Mustard ...

The fish is cleaned and cut into serving pieces-cut through. Cook celery in water with salt until it is tender. Blended with olives and season with salt, pepper, and mustard. Panaden butter on the fish and wrap the fish into the ham. The fish came in a heat

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Semmelknödel: onions chopped fine and time in butter. Add milk and boil up. Edges cut of toast and cut into 1 cm. small cubes. Dice bread came in a bowl and pour the milk mixture over the guilt. The Bowl covered airtight with a piece of film and made page 15 m

Mains EVS. saucemel Freshly ground pepper Fresh cut Cress ...

Let the butter is golden in a frying pan. Brown the fillet of beef 2 min. on each side (4 min. in total). Pour water and spices in. Roast the fillet on a low heat and under the lid ca. 15 min. on each side (30 total). Screw if necessary. up the heat for a mome

Mains Suit Pepper Wheat flour ...

Pheasant can be either plucked or skinned. The Brown in a pan, and sprinkled with salt and pepper. Water and onions added. Småsteger ca. 1 hour baby possibly. to with extra water, the pot must not boil dry. Fasanerne cutting area and place in serving dish.

Mains Fresh parsley Suit Pepper ...

Studded cut into cubes and melted and they swept Partridge Brown herein. The cut vegetables in and Brown, after which the garlic, parsley, wine and broth are added along with salt and pepper. Put a lid on the pot. Let agerhønsene småstege in about 1 hour.

Mains Suit Pepper Red currant jelly ...

Agerhønsene rinse inside and wipe. Rubbed with salt and pepper, and Brown exterior and Interior on all sides in the butter in a thick-bottomed frying pan. When agerhønsene is golden brown add moisture and possibly. a little Rosemary. FRY, covered, 1 1/4 to 1 1