Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Bean sprouts EVS. 1 small ripe mango EVS. grated cheese ...

Tomatrelish: cut a lid of the tomatoes. Pressure them free of cores and slice the tomato flesh into small dice. Arrow and chop the onion. Mix the tomatoes, onion and corn kernels. Dressing: grate the Orange rind and mix all the ingredients together. Season

Mains Pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

Crack chilipebrerne, clean them and cut them just fine. Chop the onion and garlic finely and sauté in oil. Add the chili peppers, scalded tomatoes cut into district and the rest of the ingredients. Let the sauce boil, covered, for about 10 minutes. Remove the

Mains Oksebouillon tern Oregano dried Red bell pepper ...

Løgternene in oil, Saute until clear, then add the meat and stir it with a fork until it separates and changes color. Add the bell pepper, diced. Add the finely chopped garlic, origano tomato puree ', and so much that you get a fairly thick sauce. Cut th

Mains Salt Corn groats Wheat flour ...

Cook the corn grynene 10 minutes in a pan of water. Stir from time to time. Mix margarine, salt and wheat flour in corn porridge. Knead the dough lightly. It should be soft and slightly sticky. Form dough into 8 small buns the size of a ping-pong ball. Roll th

Mains Chili Lemon juice Mayonnaise ...

Let the tuna drip of water. Pick it into smaller pieces. Stir the mayonnaise with sour cream and spices and other things and mix the tuna in. Came crispy lettuce at the bottom of the warm taco shells and then the filling. Fill just before serving.

Mains EVS. jævning Pepper Salt ...

Clean the vegetables. Cut the spring onions into thin slices. Cut the carrots, Zucchini and bell pepper into thin strips. Delchilipeberen, take the seeds out and chop the chili just fine. People of cut in approximately 1 cm. and cut them into half-round. Fry t

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

The carrots peeled and cut into very small cubes. Peberfrugten cleaned and cut into small cubes. The onions peeled and chopped fine. Brown the meat lightly in a pan. There should be no added fat, what little there is in the flesh, is quite sufficient. Stir dil

Mains Fintsnittet Chinese cabbage Pepper Salt ...

Warm grape seed oil and Brown chicken pieces lightly, sprinkle pepper and a little salt over. Bouillon cube, water and red wine came by and let it småsnurre on a low heat, covered, for meat is tender, about 20 minutes Take the pieces up on a serving dish and