Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Fresh thyme Olive oil Pepper ...

Free the Tenderloin of sinew and cut it into 2 cm thick slices. Twist the bacon around the meat. Willow buds, halve them and cook them for about 5 min. Del onions into quarters. Halve the peppers, remove frøstole and cut it into cubes. Set alternating meat, on

Mains White wine Oil Minced parsley ...

Stir in white wine and oil together and got the herbs in. Com kammusliger and prawns in marinade and let them draw 20 min. Set the animals on a spit along emd tomatoes and half the mushrooms. Gril them over charcoal embers or under oven grill in 5-6 min. turn

Mains Coconut milk/olie (gathi) Fish sauce Good curry ...

Inserts svinekøddet into strips of approx. 1 cm x 5 cm. mix køddet with coconut milk, curry powder, garlic, salt and pepper. Let it lie and pull in about 2 hours. Connector pieces of meat at bambusspydene. Turn up the grill. Peanut sauce: Tørrist ground nuts u

Mains Pepper Salt Red wine ...

Sveskerne soaked in red wine overnight. Slice the meat and liver in square pieces, which are seasoned with pepper. Set alternating prunes and meat on the barbecue spit, which brushed with oil and FRY 8-10 minutes under the grill or in the oil on the forehead.

Mains Some sprigs of Rosemary Pepper Salt ...

'S forellerne. Scrub the lemons in hot water and cut it into slices. Rinse the herbs and fill forellerne with some whole stems and lemon slices. Arrow leaf end of the rest of the herbs and chop the garlic and chop them. Arrow them just fine. Mix the herbs, gar

Mains Curry Pineapple (from canned) Bananas ...

Let the pineapple slices drips of, cut them, pork and pork into cubes. Willow buds and peel the bananas. Slice both into thick slices. Set alternating meat, onions and fruit at 4 barbecue skewer. There penseles with oil and sprinkled with plenty of Curry. Rose

Mains Lots of fresh dill Fresh salmon or rainbow trout Crushed white pepper ...

Do fish well able. Remove backbones and cut the meat into two fine right-sized fillets. Drag all the legs out, this is done most easily with a pair of tweezers. Rinse the fillets and dry them carefully. Cfire met between the fillets, placed one above the other

Mains Lemon, peeled and cut in both Habanero sauce Coriander chopped ...

Prepare citrus salsa Mix all ingredients except swordfish, corn oil, salt and pepper, and let it marinate for a few hours. Grill the swordfish Season fish with salt and pepper steakene. Brush lightly with corn oil. On the grill. Pour the salsa over the