Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Walnut kernels

Salads Sour cream 18% Whipped cream Celeriac ...

Peel peeled and cut into small tærn as blanched 1-2 minutes and cooled by. Whip the cream lightly and mix it with crème fraîche. Season to taste with sugar. Halve the grapes and remove stone. Apples skræles and cut into small cubes. Remember to remove th

Desserts (cold) Annanas in cubes Egg whites Egg yolks ...

Let pineapple dice drip completely free of moisture. Chip Walnut kernels, melt sugar to caramel in the Pan and turn the nuts in the hot caramel. When they are caramelized, accepted the drained pineapple cubes in. Let it cool off. Stir the egg yolks to cream wi

Dressing Freshly ground pepper Salt Cream cheese ...

Cut the cheese into small pieces and it came in a bowl together with flødeosten. Stir it together, most easily with a hand whips. Stir the cream in a little at a time, and stir for consistency is uniform. Chop vælnødderne fine. Rinse the spring lies, cut th

Mains Bay leaves Pepper Peppercorn ...

Animal back freed from the thick tendon, which is sitting on top of the filet'erne. Fillets must sit on the underside. Cut them off and put them to one side. Back lubricated with oil and FRY 2 x 15 minutes in the oven at 220 degrees c. alm. oven, let it res

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Wash broccolien carefully and share it in appropriate bouquets. Cut the coarse stems, came of them in lightly salted, boiling water, and cook them for 8 minutes (By frozen broccoli cooking time is reduced to 5 min.). Roof broccolien up, turn on the cold water

Cakes in form Baking soda Grated orange zest Vanilla or vanilla sugar ...

Chop Apsikat and nuts. Grate the rind from the oranges. Add the vanilla baking powder and flour, mix well. Stir in butter and sugar, egg and milk came in, then melblandingen, and stir well. Pour the batter into a well greased form. Bake the cake at 180 ° C for

Cakes in form Powdered sugar to roll out Orange juice Cocoa ...

Chop the chocolate. Mal nuts. Mix nuts, chocolate, flour, cinnamon and lemon zest. SKIL eggs. Melt the butter. Whip the whites with 50 and plums with 150 g. of sugar. Whisk in the eggs, then flour 1/3 white and melted butter. Mix the rest of the whites gently

Mains Pepper Rosemary, fresh Salt ...

Cut the tenderloin into 10 pieces on a few cm and bank them flat with the back of the hand. On each tenderloin slice a few leaves Rosemary, Sage or thyme. Omvikel with parma ham and holiday if necessary. the whole thing with a toothpick. Brown the meat i