Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Vanilla

Desserts (cold) Coaches Vanilla Dark pie bottoms ...

1) Whip the whipped cream until it is firm. 2) Then get the vans and vanilla in the whipped cream. 3) Put the whipped cream on each layer of cake Also on the top and in the sides 4) Place the layer cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours Then you h

Cakes Eggs Vanilla Flour ...

Grease a muffin of vegetable oil. Eggs and sugar are stirred together (possibly with an electric whip) until it is slightly light and airy. Add vegetable oil, milk and vanilla sugar and stir. In a separate bowl, mix flour, baking soda, salt and nutmeg togeth

Cakes Oatmeal Vanilla Chocolate chunks (optional) ...

Stir all the ingredients together in a medium-sized bowl until thoroughly mixed. Let it cool in the refrigerator for half an hour. Once cooled, they are rolled into balls, whatever size you want. Store in airtight container and keep refrigerated for up to 1 we

Buffets Bornholmsk canola oil Cinnamon Cardamom ...

Dissolve the yeast in water then egg oil cardamom cinnamon vanilla and sugar in Then bring the flour in and stir until the dough is lind and thin, pour water or oil until the dough has the correct consistency tips: Low fat and airy

Cakes Milk Butter Eggs ...

Throw it all - (baking soda and egg) in a stirrer and stir well until the drained rhubarb decoction has cooled. Then add baking soda & amp; Egg and stir well. Baked in a 190 degree hot oven for about 60 minutes. And the surface is pale golden brown. tips

Desserts (warm) Cardamom Vanilla Eggs ...

Preheat the forehead Butter on the forehead before each pancake tips: Good bake bright :)

Cakes in form Dark syrup Brown sugar Milk ...

Butter and sugar stir well together, then stir an egg in a hallway. Mix flour, baking powder and vanilla sugar and turn it gently in the dough. The dough will be greased with bread rolls approx. 23 x 33 cm and baked in the oven at 190 * - 25/30 minutes

Cakes 0.5 TSP. Rum essence or vanilla essence Potato flour Vanilla ...

Mix the flour and flour together Chop the butter into small terns that come directly into the flour banding. (Deep twig in the flour mixture when you cut into the tern and turn the terns around the flour with the knife once in a while, do not stick the butte