Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Vanilla

Drinks (cold) Apple juice Vanilla Banana ...

It all comes in a blender and blends really well so there is no klumber. If desired a little extra sweet, add a little sweetener.

Cookies Eggs Cocoa Vanilla ...

Stir the butter and sugar together. Add eggs and then vanilla and flour. Bring the dough well together. Divide the portion in the middle and kneaded cocoa in half. Roll the dough into sausages of about 2 cm in diameter and put 4 sausages together - light and d

Cakes in form Mix with Margarine (merged with) Granulated sugar ...

Egg. And the flour is whipped well with flour, vanilla and baking soda. Margarine and milk are heated to boiling point and placed in the dough. The dough is placed in a frying pan (for the oven) and baked for about 20 minutes. When the cake comes out of the ov

Cookies Brown sugar Chopped chocolate pieces Chopped nuts ...

Prebarme the oven at 160 ° C Pour liquid butter into a bowl. Add sugar and brown dough and mix with a saucepan until it is creamy. Beat eggs and vanilla. Mix flour, salt and soda in the mixture. Finally mix nuts and chocolate in the dough. Distribute

Desserts (patisserie) Green food coloring Milk Vanilla sugar ...

* Turn on the oven at 200 degrees alm. oven * Whip egg and sugar airy * Mix the dry ingredients alternately with the milk * Benefit the dough in 12 muffin molds * Baked for 12 min Cream: * Mix all the ingredients until it is soft and creamy * Style Cre

Desserts (cold) Egg yolks past Vanilla Icing sugar ...

Eggs, flour and vanilla are whipped to an airy mass. Whip the whipped cream to whipped cream. Chop the giant turtles and bring them and the whipped cream into the egg yolks. The mass is filled in a spring form and placed in a freezer for 3-5 hours.

Desserts (cold) Chocolate Cream Powder sugar ...

Nougat cream: sweet nougat in water bath. Whip the cream to light whipped cream Mix it easily. Cake Cream: Put the milk in a boil. Eggs, sugar and flour are stirred together. The boiling milk is dripped while stirring. The cream is poured back into the pan