Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Tomato puree. concentrated

Mains Pepper Salt Basil, dried ...

The sausages sliced and diced the bacon, shallots rives. It is kneaded together with forcemeat and the other ingredients into a uniform mass. Shaped for a loaf of bread which bake approximately one hour at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. The onion and chop the ga

Mains Pepper Salt Eggplant ...

De-fat of sinew and fat. FRY on pan in 2 tbsp. margarine in approximately 20-25 minutes. Let rest for 10 minutes before the tenderloin cut into thin slices. The vegetables are cleaned. Eggplant and squash halved and cut across. Spring onions cut into slices

Mains Allround spice Garlic Paprika ...

Saute the bacon together with Turkey strips over high heat to it has been given a golden color. Add the mushrooms into slices and simmer a little and leave it on a low heat. Add the spices after own taste. Stir. Add the tomato paste and stir in piskefløden. Le

Mains Olive oil Salt Oregano, dried ...

Stir in fermented out in the lukewarm water. Getting oil in the mixture. Mix the flour in a little at a time, it is not safe you need to use it all. Let dough raise min. half an hour with a damp cloth. Mix tomato puree, finely grated onion, pressed garlic,

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Chop the onion and sauté it in a little oil. Add the Turkey meat and sauté for it has been color. Add the spices-use like abundant Basil and pour the cream and tomato puree by. Finally met the diced bell peppers in, and the right småkoger for approx. 5 m

Soups Pepper Salt Onion ...

Onions and tomatoes cut into cubes. Saute the first onion browned and add tomatoes. Pour ½ l. water into the Pan and let it simmer for about 1 hour small. Add well with salt and pepper. Sieve the juice from the tomatoes and onions in a bowl (squeeze the jui

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Bacon: Bacon slices rolled together-made up for grabs in a baking and roasting in an oven at 220 degrees C alm. oven for about 25 minutes. Gravy: Brown Butter browned and add paprika, madfløde as well as a little water is added and then tomato purre. Por

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

The onion cut into cubes and sauté with chicken in oil until onions are soft and clear. Then sprinkled karryen over and warmed with a couple of minutes. Then add the peeled chopped tomatoes and broth. The right cooker for about 10-15 minutes. While the righ