Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Tomato puree. concentrated

Mains Pepper Pepper. White Salt ...

Brown the meat in half of the fat. Take it up. Brown the chopped onion and mushroom ones in the second half of the fat. Com meat, onion, mushrooms into quarters, tomato paste, paprika, broth and cream into pan. Came the lid on and let the right simmer fo

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Form the meat into 4 patties and wrap a slice of bacon around each steak. Put the steaks on a hot pan with bacon symphisis force down and sprinkle with a little salt and pepper. Fry the steaks 2-3 minutes on each side. Grønsagsmos: Peel the vegetables and c

Mains Good bread Garlic Pepper ...

While the duck breasts yet is letfrosne remove skin and fat. Brystfilleterne cleaned of tendons and membrane and cut into narrow strips, approximately 1 cm. Grønstsager cleaned and carrots cut into "money" thickness. The onion chopped fine Celery stalks cut

Mains Pepper Water Cucumber ...

Heat a frying pan and gently fry the pressed garlic. Add the tomato puree. Add vinegar, sugar, water and soy. Cook it up. Slice the cucumber and onion slices in half, peberfrugten into strips and tomatoes in both. All the vegetables should be cut into thin,

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Chop the onion and garlic, Getting oil in a pan, pour the first sample contained therein. Let them be transparent. Then came white buds in. Saute the cards of. Then came the meat in and let it Brown. Add the chopped tomatoes with oregano and salt and pepper

Soups Oil Pepper Salt ...

Onion chop and sauté. Broth, tomatoes and tomato paste to the Pan and mix it all boils approx. 20 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. If you want the soup to boil the pasta, and then added. Tips: This is a very cheap dinner. And very tasty in my

Mains Pepper Peeled tomatoes, canned Green chili pepper ...

Warm water and stir the yeast into. Add salt and some of the flour. Knead in flour as much as it needs. Let dough raise in a bowl while you prepare the filling. Chop the onion, Chili's and Chop fine. Stir the forcemeat with all the ingredients. Roll the

Mains Bouillon cube Pepper Salt ...

Arrow the onions and cut them into thin slices. Melt the fat and the onions came by. Add the meat and let it spin around 6-8 min. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cut a lid of the peppers and free them for frøstol and grains. Advantage it is marinated in pepp