Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Soups Yolks of hard-boiled eggs A few Bay leaves A few onions ...

Turtles are moving always live. When the animals to be slaughtered, binds a strong rope of baglufferne, and in this hung it upside-down. The front flippers tied with a rope into the body. When the rears its head, caught this with a sling and are cut off, to le

Pickling Ginger Atamonpulver Cinnamon ...

The tomatoes washed and pricked deeply and placed in a brine of vinegar and boiled water overnight. The tomatoes and bed sheet be brought slowly to a boil and boil gently for 5 minutes taken dersfter up and added to draining in a sieve. Bed sheet, add the suga

Base recipes 168 g sauce sauce 420 g kidney beans Old 4.5 liter jar ...

Kidney beans and drainage run them through a meat mincer and came into the jar. Add the soy sauce and garlic. Came the sardines in a small jar wine vinegar and mash with a fork. Com in the jar. Peel and slice the apples into slices and add to the a 6-8 liter

Sides Small pitcher/canned evaporated milk Oatmeal Cinnamon ...

Mix potatoes, sugar and margarine well together. Add the other ingredients and mix well again. Pour it into the pie dough. Fill in two moulds and bake for one hour at 175 degrees C.

Bread, buns & biscuits Wheat flour Breadcrumbs Melted butter ...

Stir butter and sugar, add egg yolks one at a time, Add flour and bread crumbs. Eventually reversed the egg whites gently into the apples peeled and cut in slices;. A heat-proof dish greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Put a layer of layered

Mains Coriander. leaves. fresh Green chili pepper Lime, the juice of which ...

Brown chicken fillet into small pieces and chopped onion in butter. Sprinkle some Garam Masala and cayenne pepper. Add the other ingredients and let it all simmer for a few minutes. Serve with rice and a salad

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Cardamom Butter/margarine ...

Udrør the yeast in a little cold milk, add lukewarm milk. Melt and cool the butter/margarine. Stir the egg yolks with sugar to it will be bright. Add milk, flour and cardamom, while there is stirred thoroughly. Got half of the melted fat in the dough, and mix

Cakes in form Lemon peel Cinnamon Large apples ...

Apples peeled and cut into thin slices without kærnehus. The svitset half-tender in butter. Stir the egg yolks with sugar, lemon peel and cinnamon. Whites whipped and place in the dough. The apples are added at the bottom of a deep baking dish that has been gr