Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Various Water Kokusmælk Lemon grass ...

Put the rice in a saucepan. pour in kokusmælken and add enough water to cover the rice with 2 cm. Buk lemon græssen so the folded together to 5 cm in length. tie a string on the stem and equal to the bound together down the middle of the pan. Add the Turmeri

Mains White pepper Pepper Salt ...

Cook the rice and milk in a thick-bottomed saucepan ¾ hour, to the porridge is smooth. Refrigerate porridge and stir in eggs, butter, salt and pepper in. Father: Stir the minced meat with flour, milk, onion, salt and pepper. Forcemeat may be fairly steady. Pu

Mains Pepper Salt White balsamic ...

Cook rice as directed. Bring sugar and water to a boil. When the sugar is ooløst, take the Pan from the heat and let the cranberry pure drag in sugar brine for at least 1 hour. Grate almond splitter and pine nuts on a dry pan. Cut scallions and celery fine. M

Bread, buns & biscuits Oil (or canola-sunflower ...) Sugar Ymer ...

Dissolve the yeast in the warm water. Getting all the ingredients-except the flour, and mix it together so it becomes a "porridge". Add flour a little at a time until dough has a firm but sticky consistency. Raises the bar for one hour under a damp cloth

Cakes Oil (rape-sunflower ...) Salt Bicarbonate of soda ...

The way all the dry ingredients and mix them together in a bowl-add oil and juice and whisk it together (by hand or with an electric mixer) IT TAKES 2 MINUTES-still!! Pour in a greased form 25 x 25 or 20 x 30 Bake 45 minutes to an hour at 200 degrees C.

Salads Lemon juice Fresh parsley (minced easily) Olive oil ...

Peal is taken by avokadoerne, and cut into bite-sized cubes. Tomatoes and red onions cut into cubes. Carrot, peeled and cut into slices of about ½ centimeter oblique. Mix everything together in a bowl, add about 1 teaspoon of oregano, much parsley. Mix lemon j

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Sprinkle the fish with salt and pepper and place it in a baking dish. Pour a little water in the dish, benefit some dill sprigs and lemon slices in the fish and put some thin slices of butter on. Set the dish in the oven at 200 degrees for approximately 35

Mains Pepper Salt Corn ...

Dough: the ingredients are mixed and stirred together and the dough bake for 8 big pancakes. Filling: chop the cabbage, leeks cut into rings, peppers cut into small cubes. Cabbage, leeks and peppers cooked ca. 8 minutes in the water, which is spiked with sa