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Recipes with Salt

Various Eggs Oil (like olive oil) Salt ...

Start by mixing linseed, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds in a bowl. Pour the water over to cover kogene. Let stand for it almost is cold (about 3 hours). The milk is warmed in a pan. Water mixed in. mix yeast, salt and sugar together. When the yeast is melted

Mains Herbs URf.eks. Basil and parsley Peper Salt ...

Share individual cloves garlic, but let the shell sitting on middek by heat and fry them for about 10 minutes until tender. Put them aside, arrow shell of the individual cloves and mash to puree. Parties to the chicken and Brown in a frying pan. Add the choppe

Mains Vegetables Freezing chicken Peper ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them in both After you have skrallet them you must tuck it down in a terllerken with your vegetables you have to balnde it with salt and peper. After the putter you your big chicken on top of your stuff you hat lean and defined. the

Mains Champinon Carrots Curry ...

250 g pork meat and 250 g beef Brown, then taken in a bowl. Brown a big lied, cut a cabbage in fine shred and saute the Curry that came in, salt pepper to taste, the meat that came in and fry it all together. then met a little fluid on and hang up on while the

Mains Pepper Salt Ketchup ...

Brown the meat in a saucepan. It might be a good idea to Brown it a bit at a time. Add the tomato concentrate and ketchup, stir in it and make sure it becomes well blended. hug hvidløgsfedene in the sauce and season it with salt and pepper. Cook the pasta a

Sides Must raise 0.5-1 hour Salt Oil ...

Turn on the oven at 225 degrees. Inserts chorizopølse into small cubes and knead them together with pizza dough, if desired. finished purchased. Portion dough into 12 paragraph tril them into thin sausages and put them on a baking sheet with wax paper. Br

Lunch Pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

A few hours before serving or a day before boil the chicken in water with salt, whole peppercorns, an onion into quarters and Bay leaves. Cook with lid on low heat for about 1 ½ hours. Take the chicken up and let it cool off. Arrow the flesh of the legs and cu

Mains Corn flour Oil Pepper ...

Kyllingfileterne cut into strips and roasted in the Pan in oil. Chop the onions, and capers afvædes (save væden, since it can give the sauce more flavor). Onions, capers and dijon mustard in a saucepan Sauté. Add cream and milk, and let it all cook down in th