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Recipes with Salt

Mains Allround spices (or what you even desires) Pepper Salt ...

First you nicked the garlic and svitser you derfeter them, then Tanner you flesh and taste with spices (when the meat is browned you may well begin to boil the spaghetti). Then it's time to get tomato paste and ketchup in, stir well and truly around in it. F

Mains Allround (or what you even desires) Pepper Salt ...

First you nicked the garlic and svitser them in a pan, then Brown the meat and taste it to you with the spices ... So you water to boil the spaghetti (throw a bouillionterning in it gives a good cause. Back to the sauce when it's flavored, tomato paste a

Mains Vegetables according to the needs Noodles or rice Peper ...

came oil and curry powder in the Pan and grate it, to get the taste of curry powder. Therefore the strip-cut chicken fillets came in the Pan and fry them. through came as eggs and milk in the Pan, stir it around for 10 minutes time. come on in to taste vegetab

Desserts (warm) Cardamom, ground Salt Wheat flour ...

Mix all the ingredients together, with either a hand or electric whips. Let the dough stand a little in a quarter of an hour to half an hour. Heat a frying pan up. take fats (sunflower oil, or canola oil) on the forehead and behind your pancakes one by o

Mains BBQ sauce Brown sugar Slightly spicy ketchup (URf.eks. heinz) ...

Clean the chicken and share it in two. Salt the inside pages easily. Put the pieces into a large greased casserole dish or a greased baking pan. Mix the marinade. I usually take it on slum, but it is something ala a little dl oil margarine, a quarter Cup k

Lunch Black pepper Allspice Bouillon cube ...

Steps: 1: melt the butter in a thick-bottomed saucepan, stir in the flour and let it simmer a bit without Brown. Baby with milk/cream and bouillon cube. Cook opbagningen well through stirring. Stir in spicy sauce, grated pleats and spices in. 2: take the Pa

Bread, buns & biscuits Yeast Junket Salt ...

5-kornsblandingen cooked in the 2-3 minutes in the water, after which it is cooled. Everything, except flour, stir in flour, Add to the dough gets rid.. The dough is kneaded and raises approx. 1 hour. Formes to buns and made after withdrawal in 20 minutes. Do

Cakes in form The rind from 2 lemons Bicarbonate of soda Salt ...

Ingredients are stirred together. Pour the dough in a greased form and bake 1 ½ hour at 170 degrees.