Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Salt Cinnamon ...

Cut the potatoes in medium-sized tern. Boil them until there are still bites. Pour the water off and put the slices of dumplings in a bowl. Sweat loaves and spices along with butter in the pan until the loegs have a light golden color. Add the joints and switc

Mains Pepper Salt SAR ...

MEAT - The turkey breast is rinsed for seniors and cut / flaked so it can be flattened to 'one' slice - Mushroom - bell celery and onion cut into very small tern and shake on a pan in a little oil. Vegetables are seasoned with salt and pepper. Add the mixtur

Mains Apples Watercress Christmas salad ...

Distribute the cream cheese into the prepared and sprinkle them with spices, tie them with cotton yarn and brown them in butter / oil until golden. Lay the basins on the side and sprinkle salt and pepper over. Pour broth and cream on. Small stairs grows und

Mains Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Brown the meat in good olive oil Take the meat off the forehead Onions and squash cut in tern and brunes Then add chopped tomatoes and corn Let the vegetables boil a little and then add the meat - let the dish 'simmer' approx. 30 min. By low heat to the me

Mains Hvidtøl (jylebryg evt.) Salt Sugar ...

Eggs are whipped with sugar. Then mix the rest in. It is whipped until all the lumps are gone. tips: It rows approx. For 4 people. 2 adults, 2 children eg.

Sides Mushrooms Broccoli shared in buketer Salt ...

Potatoes and carrots cut into relatively thin slices and mix with the broccoli in a greased ovenproof dish. Pour the cream into a bowl and mix well with the salt, then pour over the vegetables. Bake in the oven at 190 degrees C. alm. Oven for 1½ to 1¾ hours

Mains Pepper Gulerød reven Handful of oatmeal ...

The chicken meat is stirred in a pot of salt and pepper. The remaining ingredients are stirred together and turned into the meat. The father rests for an hour. Brunes with high heat and baked in oven. 200 degrees C. alm. Oven 15-20 min. tips: Served wit

Lunch Becel liquid Lemon juice Fresh mint ...

Bring chicken and tandoori into a bag, close and shake well to spread the spice on the meat. Stir the fillets 5-6 minutes on each side of the medium in Becel liquid. Blend Becel Cooking 7% and mint leaves for a green cream. Use a spelled blender or chop the