Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Sides Pepper Salt Broccoli ...

Cut the peeled potatoes into slices. Divide the broccoli into bouquets and remove the roughest of the stems. Boil the potatoes are tender, without salt. Mashed potatoes and broccoli with a hand mixer and add cream fry a little at a time until the mash has th

Mains Curry Paprika Pepper ...

Cut all vegetables (sour potatoes) and sauté a little in a deep pan. Then they are put to the bottom of a refractory dish and the broth is poured over. The turkey breast is browned on all sides and placed on top of the vegetables and placed in the oven for 45

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon, sliced ...

Brown the chops on the forehead in a little oil, season with salt and pepper, put the chops in an ovenproof dish. Cut bacon into strips and brown them lightly on the forehead, then put bacon into the dish. Rinse and clean the champions and then cut into

Various Fresh lard Garlic Cardamom ...

Chop liver and spoon in meatballs. Dissolve the broth in the water. Mix the onion, garlic, anchovies, spices, salt, milk, egg, flour and broth and purge it with a spun blender. Mix all the ingredients, including pork, in a large bowl, and blend thoroughly

Mains Olive oil Pepper Rosemary, fresh ...

The beans are sipped and flushed. Carrots peel and cut in half, leave 5 cm. Top side on. Spring buds are cleaned. Boil in low salt water until they are tender but still ahr bid. Savoy cabbage and red onion are cleansed and cut. Boil tenderly in leachate

Mains Pepper Grated cheese Salt ...

Cook the pasta sauce. Mix eggs, cream, ham and cheese in a bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste. Grease a pie dish with a little oil and pour the cooked pasta in. Cut the tomatoes into slices or tern and place over the pasta. Pour the cream mixture over and m

Mains Kryderi Pepper Salt ...

Brown the chops on the forehead, put them in the dish after which have a good height of about 7 cm. Wash the mushroom into 4 pieces. Sliced ​​coctail sausages in 3 parts and put it on top with bacon. After that, cry on and then pour the cream over and let i

Sides Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Peel and chop the vegetables into small cubes. Bring the vegetables in a saucepan and pour water until it is evenly covered. Boil the vegetables under the lid until they are very tender. When the vegetables are ready, the water is poured. This can be drank