Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Rye flour

Bread, buns & biscuits Fine rye flour Honey Water ...

Sourdough: Mix water, yeast, honey and rye flour. Deck the dough with plastic and let dough stand at room temperature at least a day but would like longer. Scalding: Boil the water up and pour that over rugmelet in a large pile. Work or beat the dough vigor

Bread, buns & biscuits Hand-hot water Salt Buttermilk ...

Ingredients for 1 day is stirred well and be cool (but not cold refrigerator) overnight. After 24 hours, add the ingredients for the 2 day it all run slowly in røremaskinen small twenty minutes and then beaten up for two loaves of bread. Bake 45 minutes

Bread, buns & biscuits Comments Corn oil Plain yogurt ...

Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water. other ingredients mixed into the Dough kneaded well through. until it is smooth and uniform. Made withdrawals, covered for about 30 min. for it have been twice the size. The dough turned down and shaped into loaves. Af

Bread, buns & biscuits Cracked rye flour Water Salt ...

Sourdough: it all stirred together, placed a dishcloth over and batter face to the next day. It can easily be a day more. The longer, the more sour. Now add the other ingredients. Who is stirred well. Remember to first take sourdough from the next spin. Sto

Bread, buns & biscuits Together the beaten egg Blue poppy seed Fromage frais 0.3% ...

Melt the butter in a pan and add the milk. Pour the mixture into a bowl and add the Fromage Frais. Stir the yeast out. Add the other ingredients (keep a little wheat flour back). Beat the batter well. Tire Bowl with a lid, and style dough to uplift in a warm p

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Sugar Salt ...

Stir the yeast in the lukewarm water and add sugar, eggs, salt and carrot. Came the other ingredients in, but keep a little flour left. Knead the dough well with more flour until it is glossy and smooth. Raises 1 hour, uncovered. Molded to 12-15 buns that afte

Cookies Barley Sifting Butter ...

Cream, butter and fat is heated. Pour over flour and sugar, stir well, then cool slightly. Rolled thin out in a big flat. Cut into oblong squares approximately 6 x 10 cm. Brush with egg and bake about 10 minutes at 200 gr. When the cakes are baked lubricate

Lunch Oil Butter Rye bread ...

Salt herring is diluted in plenty of water for about 24 hours. After 12 hours, changing the water should taste of herring is the very salt to the watered down more (herring should taste slightly salty, by frying becomes salt taste stronger). When the herring i