Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Lime

Mains Pepper Salt Lime ...

Chop the lobster tails in half lengthwise. Let be in the shell and remove the tail artery Put tails in a bowl and squeeze the lime over, put hvidløgsfedene in the bowl and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Let it marinate approximately 15 minutes, remove the mari

Mains EVS. cold water and salt Eggs Lemon ...

Provisioning: Fish pages cut lengthwise and crosswise into cubes of 1 x 1 cm. so that the meat is still bogged down in the skin. Fishing pages lay stretched out in the dish, sprinkled lightly with salt, that end added lemon græstop crushed with the back of a k

Mains Agurkeraita Pepper Salt ...

Stir yogurt well with salt, lemon juice and Tandoori seasoning. Turn the chicken pieces in the marinade and put them in the fridge for a few hours or the day before. Scrub or peel potatoes and cut them into quarters. Turn them with oil, salt and pepper and

Mains Orange salad Flat-leaf parsley Chervil ...

The herbs are chopped and mixed with olive oil. It is seasoned with salt and pepper. Andelår scratched and rubbed the marinade into the meat (don't let the Duck thighs marinerer at least 1 hour). Wash potatoes and cut into slices of about ½-1 cm. Onions cut in

Drinks (cold) Lime Banana liqueur Vodka ...

fill 3/4 up with orange/orange juice finish with a splash of bitter lemon

Sides Olive oil Salt Fennel a little fresh thyme ...

Slice the fennel and Leek into suitable pieces. pour a little olive oil in the Pan and warm it up first. Add fennel-Leek-thyme and then risvins vinegar and lime juice and a little salt. Pour coconut milk over the Court and let simmer 5 to 10 minutes.

Appetizers Freshly ground white pepper Porter Lime ...

Use very fresh salmon. Cut slices so thin and uniform as possible. Mix sugar, salt and pepper. Sprinkle half out on a piece of wax paper; lay the salmon pieces of this. Sprinkle with the rest of the mixture. Let it soak for about 10 min. Mix porter, lime juice

Sides Olive oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Grate squashen rough. Wrap the strips into a tea towel. Let them stand about 20 mins., then the excess moisture is absorbed. Spring onions poured up in a large bowl. Friable in feta. Parsley, mint, dried mint and stir in the paprika. Add flour and well with sa