Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Crème fraiche 38%

Mains Dijon mustard Pepper Salt ...

Stir the Turkey meat with salt, pepper and egg and add milk and bread. Tube forcemeat well through. Add the tarragon leaves. Blanchér kålhovedet in boiling salted water. Drag the leaves of one at a time. Put a spoonful of Dad's on each leaf and wrap it along.

Cold cuts Dressing Iceberg, lettuce Pepper. White ...

Stir the dressing together and taste the good to. Cut the flesh into small cubes and mix it with cleaned, sliced mushrooms, asparagus and peas. Cut the peppers into tiny pieces and mix them in. Turn all the ingredients of the dressing and season it with sal

Cold cuts Cress. fresh Pepper Salt ...

Dressing: the homemade or bought mayonæse touched with the selected soured milk product and then add the remaining ingredients, season. The dressing, add finely chopped onions and tiny cucumber pieces. Garnish with quartered hard-boiled eggs, bell pepper, o

Appetizers Watercress, fresh Chilli, crushed Lemon juice. freshly squeezed ...

Part avocadofrugtene in two so you have four half. Pressure fresh squeezed lemon juice more so they do not become Brown and ugly. Mix sour cream with salt, pepper and chili. (it was too strong, add a little sugar)! Now mix the prawns in the dressing and

Soups Pepper Salt Crème fraiche 38% ...

Cut the potatoes into small squares. Cut the leeks into rings. Fry the bacon crisp in a pan first. There should be no added fat. Add potato cubes and let them simmer with. Add the leeks. Add water and bouillon cube. Add the thyme, salt and pepper, let the s

Desserts (cold) Icing sugar Fresh mint Cinnamon stick ...

Pickled Pear Compote: cut the pears into cubes Of PEAR kompotten approx. ½ x ½ cm, and boil in the bed sheet with all the ingredients for the pears are tender. Allow to cool in the bed sheet. Cinnamon parfait: the cream boils up with cinnamon and vanilla po

Mains Jævning Suit Pepper ...

Slice the pork into thin strips. Let the butter is golden in a thick-bottomed pan. Share the meat into 2 portions and Brown each portion separately. Put all the meat back into the pan. Crush the juniper berries and Rosemary and add it to meat. Came whipping

Mains Crème fraiche 38% Chopped parsley and a little bladselleritop Dry white wine or nolly prat ...

Com vegetables, wine, a little water and salt in a saucepan and cook the væden away for excessive heat. Season with salt and pepper. Favor vegetables in a heat-proof platter. Boil the potatoes until tender in water without salt. Drain and steam them dry. Wh