Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Crème fraiche 38%

Cakes in form Crème fraiche 38% Butter Eggs ...

Mørdejsbund: The butter is crumbled in the flour, the sugar is added and the dough is gathered with light hand. Roll out the dough to match a pie shape (24 cm in diameter). Cover the mold with the dough and pinch it firmly all the way around the edge. Plac

Desserts (patisserie) Potato flour Vanilla sugar Icing sugar ...

Egg whites and sugar whipped stiff, chopped almonds and potato flour, invert in. Prepare 2 trays, which can be elongated or round, as bake on baking paper in the middle of the oven, at 160 * in 30-40 my. Before Ajay summed, must bunderne just cool. Filling:

Mains Apples Watercress Christmas salad ...

Distribute the cream cheese into the prepared and sprinkle them with spices, tie them with cotton yarn and brown them in butter / oil until golden. Lay the basins on the side and sprinkle salt and pepper over. Pour broth and cream on. Small stairs grows und

Mains Pepper Salt Crème fraiche 38% ...

Start shaking bacon in the tern. Bring up the bacon quarters and down with the straw strips, which are baked in the grease grease. Brush the halved and sliced ​​onions together with hemp in slices. Put the meat back together with half of the roasted baco

Appetizers Pepper Salt Red onion ...

The prawns dissipate and the prawns and asparagus drain thoroughly. The lid is teared and sifted, and excess juice from the loot is squeezed out. The 2 bundles of dill are chopped fine, save a little dildo for decoration. Creme fraiche and mayonnaise

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

The onions are cut into fine strips. Garlic cloves press. The oil is heated in a wide pot. The rabbits are salted and turned into flour. They are oiled on each side until golden brown and then taken up by the pot. The onions and garlic are brought in and roast

Mains Pepper Salt Dijon mustard ...

Fish dishes are salted for 10 minutes. And dried. An ovenproof dish is lubricated and the fish is laid in it. Melt the butter to the sauce in a pan and steam the coarse onions until they are ready. The whip flow is added and collected. Mustard and estragon

Mains Basil, fresh Pepper Salt ...

Cut the bread in 1½ cm thick slices and knock them out a little. Cut the basil leaves into strips. Bring brown sirloin steaks a piece at a time into butter in a saucepan. Season with salt and pepper and put them back into the pan. Add bouillon, soy and garl