Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Crème fraiche 38%

Mains Coarse dijon mustard Wooden cocktail sticks Water ...

Start with the onion compote: Cut the pinned red onions into thin slices and boil them by not too strong heat approx. 25 minutes in blackberry juice added water. There is no pot on the pot! Stir the vinegar in when the onions are tender and the liquid is almo

Mains Greek barbecue spice Coarse salt Pepper ...

The beef tenderloin is knocked out to a large steak. Let the butter become golden in a frying pan that can go in the oven. Brown the meat on both sides approx. 1 minute on each side. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place the pan in the oven at 225 degrees Ce

Mains Olive oil Pepper Onion ...

The meat is cut into strips. At the same time, the oil is heated on the forehead, the forehead must be very hot. The meat is brined on the forehead for 3-4 minutes, preferably pouring from the forehead a few times along the way. Season the meat with salt and p

Mains Fill Pepper Salt ...

Remove the butterfly plates from the freezer and widen them to lighten up slightly. Cut the fat from the tenderloin and brown it in a little butter. Filling: Clean the mushrooms and chop them roughly, shake them on a dry pan until they have a little col

Mains Crème fraiche 38% Jævning Suit ...

The chicken is divided into smaller pieces. The bacon is cut free of heavy and cut into narrow strips that fry with the small pinned onion (buy the frozen if you are going to make it easy). When this is golden, put the chicken pieces with garlic cloves and the

Mains A little oil A little sugar Pepper ...

The apples are peeled, frozen for kernels, cut into both and boiled in butter with a couple of tablespoons. water. When the apples are boiled, peel the peeled celery and cook with the apple pie, which is seasoned with a little sugar, salt and pepper. Egg yolks

Sauces Horseradish Egg yolks Crème fraiche 38% ...

Egg yolks and creme fraiche are heated without boiling while still whipping until the consistency is creamy. Taste with salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar as well as the finely sliced ​​horseradish. It can be made in advance and heated while the meat is frying.

Mains Marinade Cayenne pepper Pepper ...

Cut the chicken into long strips across the fiber so that it gets tender. Bring all marinade and chicken in a bag, long before frying. Pour everything in the frying pan. Add a little water (1dl) to make the meat really cooked in the marinade. When all the w