Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Mains Butter Broccoli White wine ...

Hajbøfferne rinsed and fried in butter about 3 min. on each side. Served a white wine sauce that is made as follows: Leeks cut into thin rings. The carrots cut into small pieces and FRY in butter. Add the white wine. This cooker for all white wine is almost

Mains Pepper Salt Little ds. concentrated tomato puree ...

Arrow the onions and chop them Peel the carrots and grate them coarsely. Melt the butter in a pan and sauté the chopped onion and carrots in it a couple of minutes, stirring constantly. Add the minced beef and stir carefully to the flesh and gryner have change

Mains Basil leaves Lemon juice and chicken broth Garlic ...

Potatoes, carrots and onions peeled and cut into cubes. Garlic finthakkes and this brought to the boil, with onion, carrot and potato, and apologise for. Salt and pepper, if desired, can be granted. use chicken broth with a little lemon juice and basil leaves

Mains Chili at will Red bell pepper Beers like porter ...

Horse meat, it can be pretty much all real pieces from the animal is cut into cubes of approximately 2 x 2 centimeters. The onions peeled whole and sliced lengthwise Brown the onion in a mixture of olive oil and butter in a thick-bottomed pan, take it up and t

Sides Olive oil Carrots Stems tarragon ...

The carrots peeled and cut into 1 centimetre thick slices. The other ingredients in a saucepan and boil up. Carrots in, when it is boiling and simmer finished in an hour. Before serving remove the tarragon stems and carrots can possibly never boil them to deat

Sides Cold pressed safflower oil Orange juice thereof Finely grated ginger ...

The carrots cleaned and cut into thin strips. Dressing whisked together, possibly. in hand blender, so it is not necessary to first pick the herbs. It's all mixed and pulls in at least 1 hour in the refrigerator before serving. If you prefer crisp coo

Sides Parsley Peas Beans ...

the vegetables cut into cubes and place in a pot of lightly salted water. Start with the vegetable you want to cook the longest. When all the vegetables are cooked, not too tender, pour in a strainer. Make a thick white sauce of half milk and half vegetable wa

Mains Freshly ground white pepper Salt Curry ...

Calves chest came in a large pan, pour the water on so it covers. Bring the water to a boil. Foams away impurities with a slotted spoon, add salt and cream again. Add the peppercorns and Bay leaves. Arrow the onion, cut it in quarters and also it came into