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Recipes with Buttermilk

Cakes in form Ginger, crushed Cloves, bruised Baking soda ...

Eggs and sugar, beat the butter, stir in flour, baking powder and spices. stirred in alternately with the milk. Make the dough in a greased form (approx. 1 ½ l). Baking time: about one hour at 175 degrees C. Tips: It needed not to be buttermilk, other m

Cakes Eggs Chopped nuts or almonds Tesukker ...

Puff pastry: Findel fat in the flour and add the buttermilk. Knead the dough together. Let it rest for at least half an hour before it is rolled out. Cut the dough into 8 triangles. Mix the rhubarb with sugar and potato flour. Advantage slightly on each tri

Lunch Chopped dill or other herb Pepper Salt ...

All ingredients are stirred together and season with salt and pepper. This mixture can be used on sandwiches, if they are in need of a little extra flavor (instead of mayonnaise remulade, etc).

Desserts (cold) Lemons (the juice) Sugar Vannile ...

Sour milk in a bowl. Sugar, vannile and lemon juice whisked in (electric beater is preferable). The amount of sugar, vannile and lemons are entirely up to the person who's doing koldskålen. Some may enjoy the tart, other sweet. It is something to try out. Once

Bread, buns & biscuits Buttermilk Sugar Dried oregano ...

Melt the butter in a pan and add the milk. Pour the mixture into a bowl and add the butter-milk. Stir the yeast out. Add the remaining ingrediencer (team a little wheat flour back). Beat the batter well. Tire Bowl with fx. a lid and let dough raise approximate

Sides Corn corn cut from the COB Salt Eggs ...

All of the ingredients together and made cold rørers 2 hours. FRY in a pan with a little oil, or for coming magarine air bubbles in the surface, turn over and FRY finished. (FRY like American pancakes) Tips: Finally a corn pancake with corn grains. easy to

Desserts (cold) Fresh fruit of your choice Buttermilk Cheasy m. oatmeal yoghurt taste ...

mix together buttermilk and yoghurt and fresh fruit are added according to taste and pleasure Tips: very easy and delicious recipe with low fat and sugar content

Mains Pepper Vegetable oil Baking soda ...

Corn flour sifted down in a big bowl Together with the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Make a recess in the middle. Buttermilk, eggs and butter whipped together in a jug. Pour the liquid into the dry ingredients and whisk the mixture is smooth. The bowl