Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bay leaves

Mains A bit of wheat flour to sprinkle Freshly ground pepper Sea salt ...

Fill a pot halfway with water and add a lemon, cut in half, 1 bay leaf, vinegar and a little salt. Cut the stems of the artichokes. Starting from the base of the Artichoke and cut with a vegetable knife all the leaves away and then remove the artichoke bear

Mains Bay leaves Pepper Peppercorns, black ...

The potatoes are cut into quarters and sliced carrots. Boil the potatoes and carrots in lightly salted water with bay leaves and whole pepper ca. 20 minutes. Cut the sausage into bite-directed pieces, and remove the skin. Com sausage pieces into the Pan alo

Appetizers Chili Garlic Capers ...

Peeled potatoes cut into cubes. Boil for 5 minutes along with bay leaves, chili and peppercorns. Let the drag in the water in the Mix with a little finhakket min 5-10 onions, garlic, capers (and part of the bed sheet), poached tuna (or from the can) and olive

Mains Pepper Ruccola dressing Salt ...

Lightly Boil the water and add chicken smoked salt, sugar and peppercorns. Party chicken into 6 or 8 pieces and pour brine over so that it covers. Let it pull in well 2 hours. Pour væden from and fry the chicken in a ovnsfast dish with a little water in the bo