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Recipes with Bay leaves

Appetizers Salt Vinegar Carrot ...

Put poul aden in a pot of water that just covers. Let it get a rehash and foam. Add the spices and vegetables. Let Cook for meat is tender, about 40 minutes, let cool in broth, poul aden if there is time, or must it be taken up and allow to cool. Remove skin a

Mains A little butter for frying Pepper Salt ...

Thaw the 4 poussiner up, fill them with grapes and brown them on both sides in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Add all ingredients except cream and let the right simmer, covered, for about 1 hour. Feel about poussinerne are tender by pulling gently in a thigh in or

Mains Cloves, bruised Nutmeg, freshly grated Thyme, dried ...

All the ingredients for the Spice mixture and stir together crushed. The scratched rose Blot dry and then rubbed with olive oil and Spice mixture. Put the roast in a covered dish and style it in the fridge a day time so that the spices can penetrate. In

Mains Pepper Salt Vinegar ...

The meat is cut into large tærninger. Sample tampering. The oil heats, the meat is Brown on all sides. Salt and pepper, Bay leaves, onion, Rosemary, tomatoes in both, water and wine are added. Set over low heat and boil about 2 hours. Who is stirred occasio

Pickling Apple vinegar Yellow mustard seeds Bay leaves ...

Chop the tomatoes, udkernede apples and peeled onion coarsely, mix them in a saucepan with the other ingredients and let it all simmer without lids, under regular stirring for a few hours, for chutneyen is thick. Pour it on clean glasses rinsed with little pre

Soups Dill Carrot into slices Mussels ...

The soup can also be cooked in other fish than trout, but trout's fine meat gives the best flavor. The fish is cleaned, tail and head cut off. The rest of the fish is cut into smaller pieces. Boil the head and tail in 1 ½ ltr. water about 10 minutes, and si so

Mains Lemon in slices Fish (COD, mackerel, etc.) Chopped onion ...

Came the hakked onion and 3 diced carrots and salt in a saucepan. Put the fish on top and add ½ ltr. water. Bring the soup to a boil. The soup is lightly and Cook, covered, about ½ hour thereafter. The soup is filtered and made page. Marinated trout: the tr

Mains Bay leaves Pepper Salt ...

Neck strips Brown in a thick-bottomed pan, and who are seasoned with salt, pepper and thyme. Pour the water on to the meat is covered, and attach a couple of Bay leaves. Slice the carrots and onions coarsely and put them in the pot. The Court let simmer for 1