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Recipes with Bay leaves

Soups Very little Curry Garlic Thyme ...

The carrots chop finely, Onions and chopped fine pill. Onion and gulerød, steamed in butter, now add spices, thyme, curry powder, garlic and ½, round grain milled. All this boil flatly and tender, under afskumning. The soup season with salt and pepper. Immedia

Mains Basil, dried Bay leaves Pepper ...

Onion into cubes and Brown meat in oil. The tomatoes added. Småsnurrer ca. 10 minutes. Kødsovsen to taste with spices. Squash and potatoes cut into approx. 0.5 cm. thick slices. Put kødsovsen layered with squash and potatoes in an oven-proof. Sprinkle a li

Mains Tarragon EVS. 1/4 l sour cream Wheat flour ...

Boil the chicken with the top of the leek, carrot, salt, peppercorns and Bay leaves in 45 minutes with the giblets (remember to rinse the gizzard). See if chicken is tender by dragging the wingtip. This fall of without resistance is the ok. SI soup. Remove

Mains Bay leaves Peppercorn Thyme ...

The animal back from the shackles of the thick tendon, which is sitting on top of the fillets. On the underside the loin sitting. Cut it off and put it aside. Back lubricated with oil and FRY 2 x 15 minutes in the oven at 250 degrees (C). When the back is c

Mains Cognac A handful of flour Fish balls ...

The meat is cooked with carrots, celery and onions in just under 2 hours. Sauce: Sauté onion, celery and Carrot. Bay leaves, thyme, whole peppercorns and tomato puree added. A handful of flour is added. Cooker quietly for a couple of hours. Sieve and mix w

Soups The white of 2 leeks Celeriac Whipped cream ...

Start with cleaning the vegetables and cut them into smaller piece. Sauté them in a pan in butter. Add spices and tomato puree. Drag it from the heat. The live lobsters, and the cutting of clubs and body. FRY in hot oil until they start to change color, where

Soups (to be used 1 dl of this Fund) (to be used 2 dl of this Fund) Brown Fund ...

Hummeren blended with a pointed knife in the middle of the head shield (although it still spræller, is the dead) The 2 claws and tail broken off, the Brown sharply in the oil. (Head is saved) Brown Fund: the legs cut into smaller pieces, the Brown in the ov

Soups Lobster tails (scampi) by server no Thyme Cayenne pepper ...

Husk toasting well, vegetables, tomato paste, peppercorns, Bay leaves, paprika, cayenne pepper, Horseradish and share entire reversed well around. White wine and add the Fund and it all cooked good through 1 – 1 ½ hour. The shells sieved from and soup me