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Recipes with Bay leaves

Mains From the second: neck gizzard liver heart etc. A little carrot A little white mold cheese (if you like the taste) ...

Worship: Naughty2534: cut wingtips. You must use them for the sauce. 'S so different and rub it with salt inside. Put the peeled apples and sveskerne into the second. Close it with kødnåle. Put the other down in a roaster, which must have been in the water fo

Mains Fund Pepper Salt ...

Thaw the roast slowly up The hard brown in butter Season with salt and pepper Pour the water on so it is half covered Onion onion and carrot in the water Let the roast simmer for 2 ½-3 hours Take the roast up and wrap it into The roast is resting while

Mains English sauce Finely chopped celery Dark roux ...

Came Okra and tomatoes into cubes in a pan. Bring to the boil while being touched. Let it simmer under a lid in 15 minutes. Meanwhile, fry the other vegetables in a little butter. After 2-3 minutes, add the garlic. Let the vegetables simmer for 20 minutes.

Sides Onion Vinegar Figs ...

The figs cooked soft in water, pricked and placed in a glass boil a liquid medium, which cooled and poured over. It's all quiet cool overnight. Figs and syrup in a saucepan and boil for 5-10 minutes bed sheet lightly and add 1 tsp. a preservative.

Mains Chili powder Coffee Olive oil ...

Fry the finely chopped chilli, garlic and cumin in olive oil. Add 2 chopped onion, a chopped pepper and 4 chopped stalks celery. Add oksebov then cut into bite-sized pieces. When the vegetables are soft and the meat is browned, add the peeled tomatoes and t

Sides Bay leaves Pepper Salt ...

The tomatoes are freed for skins and seeds and cut into cubes. Chop the onion and shallot and saute in oil. Add the thyme and Bay leaves. Let simmer for a moment before tomatoes, salt, pepper and sugar in. Let Cook without lid for 1 hour on low heat.

Mains Dill, fresh Boil water Parsley, fresh ...

The meat is cut into large cubes placed in a saucepan, cover with water and brought to the boil and boil for a few minutes. The meat is taken up and rinsed well and water is poured away and rinse the pan. The meat is added back into the Pan along with a may, b

Buffets Medisterpølse Salt Water ...

Water, salt, peppercorns, cloves, Bay leaves are brought to a boil. Sausage placed in the boiling water and Cook 10-15 minutes at low heat, if necessary. be allowed to stand and pull a bit in the water. Sausage cut into appropriate pieces and FRY on pan