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Recipes with Bay leaves

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Put the fish, cleaned and if frozen, unotope in a well-baked oven dish that can withstand the temperature difference between frozen fish and hot oven. Spread onions and chopped celery over, add laurel leaves, sprinkle with salt and pepper, pour lemon juice

Mains 0.25 celeriac Parsley Rosemary ...

Cut the meat into cubes (3x3 cm) and cut all vegetables into smaller cubes. Fill the vegetables in a refractory dish, and mix rosemary, thyme and bay leaves with salt and a little pepper. Brown the meat on a pan or in a frying pan. Spread the pieces of meat

Cold cuts Pepper Salt White wine ...

The meat is cut from the legs of the hair, the fillet is finished, the rest of the hare is run through the meatbaker with onions, herbs, Madagascar peppers and sprouts. Then stir it with egg, whipped cream and white wine, salt and pepper. The father must stand

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Put the pork in a bag. Add red wine, prunes, chopped onions, garlic, 2 bay leaves and cinnamon pole. Close the bag and leave it cold for the next day. Take steps and save the layer. Dip rose completely dry, scratch the sword, put salt and pepper into the groo

Pickling Fennel seeds Coriander seeds Black peppercorns ...

Shake the casserole lightly on a dry pan with coriander seeds, black pepper and fennel seeds. Bring it all in a bottle with the dried chilli and bay leaves, and pour white wine vinegar over. Let the vinegar take a few weeks before use. Used for salad dressi

Mains Fresh coriander Fenugreek seeds Chili powder, strong ...

The ingredients of marinade are chopped well and mixed. The meat is cut into mundane pieces and mixed with marinade. Put in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours. Put the peanuts in soft in cold water. Tomato paste: 2 chilies and 1 clove o

Base recipes Carnations Svineben Water ...

Legs Brown very strongly by in a frying pan. Water poured over and add cloves and Bay leaves. The Pan is brought to a boil and småkoger without lid in 3-4 hours. Pot creamed off several times along the way, and add additional water as needed, the pot must not

Cold cuts Quatre epices (Spice blend) Thyme Garlic ...

The first five ingredients run twice through the mincer. Spices, potato flour and salt and pepper stir herein. A pâté kind well-lubricated with lard, forcemeat granted and pressed well. Eventually be Bay leaves. Cnivi put in the oven at 200 degrees vandbadv