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Recipes with Bacon, sliced

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Whip eggs, cream, salt and pepper together. Put the baking pan in a refractory dish, cut the boiled cold potatoes into the dish, chop the tomatoes and lay over the potatoes. Heel the egg yolk over the potatoes and tomatoes. Put the bacon on top and put it a

Various Chili powder Chili sauce on RAND Jalapenos cut into small pieces ...

Put the pasta in a boil. Bacon cut into small tern and jalapenos roasted in some margarine, put some chilisovs in, sugar and pasta added, but be sure to let the pasta dripping inside. Then add tomato paste and the rest of the spices ... It tastes best when

Mains Grated cheese Tomato puree Curry ...

The ham is cut into a 2x2 cm tern, brown in the butter. Sprinkle with the flour to be soaked. Curry and peppers are added together with water, tomato paste and salt. It is braised under low until the meat is slightly tender. About 20 min. The whipped cream is

Mains Bacon, sliced Cream cheese natural ell. piquant Kyllingefilletter ...

Chop the chicken fillet and come to the cream cheese, it is different from person to person how much. Roll the bacon around to keep it on the chicken. Put it in the oven for half an hour. tips: Tastes very well with a baked potato or similar.

Lunch Chives Cucumbers Mayonnaise ...

Step the bacon and place it on greasy paper. The crust is cut by the toast bread and the bread is cut to fit in a spring shape about 27 cm. In diameter. Push the bread lightly with the hand for each stock built up. Build in different layers as follows: Bre

Sides Bacon, sliced ...

Put the frying pan on a hob. Turn on the cooking plate on the button closest to the hob. Take the plastic of the bacon. Put a slice of bacon on the frying pan. Put a slice of bacon more on the frying pan Continue this way until the package is empty or unt

Mains Leek Breadcrumbs Eggs ...

Cut the top of the pores and clean them. Cook the pears until they are almost finished. And allow them to cool / drain in a sieve. Fold bacon on the pores when these are cold. They are then turned into eggs and rasp (like 2 times) and roasted on the fore

Mains Freshly ground pepper Jævning Suit ...

Rinse the hearts and remove årestammerne. Cut the bacon and hearts into thin strips. Golden butter in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Share hearts and bacon into two portions and Brown each portion separately. Put all meat back in the Pan and add the whipping cre