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Recipes with Bacon, sliced

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Chop the toast roughly and fry in butter until ready, cool slightly. Oksesmekød, beef heart and bacon are run through meat choppers. The fries are stirred with wheat flour, rasp, crushed juniper, salt and pepper. Add whipped cream to the dad has a suitab

Mains Pepper Salt Red bell pepper ...

The turkey breast is placed on a frying pan and scratched, 1-2 cm deep scratches into the meat. Garlic presses over the turkey and massages well into the scratches with salt and pepper. Then take the bacon slice for slice and lay over the meat as a lid that

Mains Pepper Salt White wine dry ...

The fish rinses well inside. Finder and tail cut off. Bacon wraps around the fish. On a piece of double foil approx. 60x60cm put the finely sliced ​​leeks and carrots first and put the fish on it. On top of the fish, put broad-leaf parsley and drizzle with

Mains Paprika, rose Pepper Salt ...

The chopped cloves are sprinkled with salt, peppers and a little pepper + stirring with good heat in a little oil margarine and put in refractory dishes. The onions are peeled, halved and cut into slices and then placed on top of the cutlets. Mushrooms are c

Mains Pepper Salt Egg yolk ...

Fish and onion is run through the mincer. Forcemeat touched chewy with salt and egg white, on the mixer 5-10 minutes. The cooked potatoes, Bacon cut into coarse shreds very fine cubes and they stirred in the forcemeat with wheat flour, egg yolk, milk and pe

Mains Pepper Broth liquid or just water Eggs ...

Stir the meat with salt. Grate the onion coarsely and carrots finely and stir both in the flesh together with eggs and flour. Add pepper, thyme and babies with milk, to the forcemeat is soft. Form 16 meatballs and put them in a baking dish with spaces. Cut the

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon, sliced ...

Brown the chops on the forehead in a little oil, season with salt and pepper, put the chops in an ovenproof dish. Cut bacon into strips and brown them lightly on the forehead, then put bacon into the dish. Rinse and clean the champions and then cut into

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Stir the dad well together and leave it for an hour. It must be so firm that it can be shaped into a bread. Put it in a greased dish and cover it with bacon slices. Step in oven at 200 degrees C. for 15 minutes. Cut the lid of the tomatoes, pour them and