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Recipes with Bacon

Mains Ketchup Macaroni Bacon ...

Cook macaroni according to the prescription on the package. Chop loosely and cut the sausages into small pieces. Step the bacon on a pan. Put later on onions and sausages. Mix it all in a large pot with a lot of ketchup.

Mains Good bread Small bunch flat-leaf parsley Balsamic vinegar ...

Came the lentils in a saucepan, and cover with plenty of water and a little salt. Cook the lentils until they are tender, it takes 20-30 my. Pour the lentils in a sieve, and let them drain. Cut the peel and bottom of grape fruits. Cut the grape fruits into

Salads Iceberg Bacon Green peper ...

1) Came a little salt and peper on chicken fillet and fry it for about 8 minutes on each side. 2) the incision salatm, red and green peper. 3) Got it in a bowl with may, penuts and fried bacon. 4) Chicken fillet cut into small pieces about getting it in the

Mains Cucumber Cherry tomatoes Gulerodder ...

Form the meat to 4 large, slightly flat steaks as they grow smaller and higher when fried. Fold 2 slices of bacon "cross the cross" about each. Brown them on each side of the fat from the bacon and raise them for approx. 7 minutes on each side (RECOMMENDED)

Mains Allround Aromat Hvidløgspebber ...

Cook the pasta, while boiling, you can get the bacon on the forehead. Cut into pieces as you find fit. Eggs, milk, cheese and spices are easily mixed in a bowl. When the bacon is almost finished, you will be on your forehead, after a short while you will come

Mains Cream Fungi URf.eks. chanterelle mushrooms or mushroom Chicken breast fillets ...

Clean the fillets and cut a deep pocket in each. Shake the mushrooms lightly on a pan and add cream. Let it cook to a thick stew. Season with salt and pepper. Fill the stew in the pockets of the fillets and bump with the bacon. Attach any With meatballs. P

Lunch Spice Salt Water ...

Tartar Dried with flour, margarine water and a little salt. About half of the dough is rolled out and a frying pan is added. Potatoes peel and cut thinly - preferably on food processes. The onions are cut and mixed with the potatoes and filled into the pie.

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Turn the chops in flour and sprinkle with peppers, salt and pepper. They roasted in the oil until they have become golden. Then put the chops in the dish. Turn on the oven at 200 ° C. The loaf is chopped and the bacon cut into pieces and swabbed in a saucepa