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Recipes with Bacon

Mains Cooking cream or whipping cream Easy potatoes or fettucine Sweet white wine ...

Chop tomatoes, onions and oyster hats. Stir bacon shortly in a preheated pan. Just for a minute. Pour off the waist and put it away from the heat. Heat a sauté pan and pour rapeseed oil. Brown brown bread for about 2 minutes on each side and add bacon, c

Mains Milk Oil Pepper ...

First find a saucepan, then pour some oil into it while scrubbing on full heat. Then you put it in and swap it a bit. 2 min. Afterwards you put the meat in and fry it through. After that, put the carrots, white cabbage, mushroom and bacon in. You have to p

Mains Mozzeralla cheese Pepper Salt ...

First take the bacon and fry in a large pot. Step until the bacon is crisp. Then put the white wine and let the alcohol boil. Then put all the cream in and let it boil a little. Then put the peeled tomatoes in, as well as salt and pepper as desired. Let the in

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

1 Cut the white cabbage fine. 2 Cut the bacon in the tern, 3. melt the flour in a hot frying pan 4. Add the margarine Turn the cabbage into it and brown it 5. Fathers and bacon are added to the pipes until all is browned through

Mains Bacon Minced beef Cheese ...

Dough: land the fresh yeast with sugar in a medium-sized bowl and whip the lukewarm water in. The mixture is left for 10 minutes. The tile shakes. Sieve flour and salt in a large bowl and make a drip in the middle, pour the yeast mixture into and then the oli

Mains Bacon Good red wine Red onion ...

The marinade is whipped together and the mignon is laid in the marinade for about 4 hours, reversed by about 1 hour. Stir for 45-60 minutes in a 180 gr oven. The potatoes are peeled and cut into tern, the garlic peeled, boiled so they are very tender. Pour in

Mains Bacon Cheese Sidestep cucumber ...

Put 2 bacon on w. Put on top of a two slice of cheese Upstairs a cucumber Roll up Close with a ladder or thread Step on the forehead until completed. tips: Try to develop yourself

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

BEFORE YOU START: Notice the long cooking time: 2-2½ hours. Cut onion, bacon, celery and carrots very nicely into the tern and mix it all with the meat in a large saucepan. Put the mixture in oil into the pan until the meat turns brown. Then add the wine an