Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bacon

Buffets Well 1 kg. pig liver El. like calf's liver Pepper Salt ...

Liver, fried onions, garlic, bacon and mushrooms chopped through a meat chop, preferably 2 times. It's all poured into a food processor, where it mixes thoroughly, let the machine "run" for 5-6 minutes. The finished dough is poured into suitable molds. It mus

Appetizers Small gulerøder Margerine (of your choice) Bacon ...

Boil the beans for 10 minutes. Take a bacon and roll it around 4-5 beans when you rolled all take them to a dish. Leave it in 15 min. Take them out and let it cool for a while. Stir the red fruits in a little water for 5 minutes. Take them off and take the ri

Mains Orange Lemon Green bell pepper ...

Cut the fish into 4 pieces of bread. Get your fishmonger to it. The fish is brushed on the skin with 1 good oil and spices with salt and pepper- The fish is placed in the oven v / 150g for approx. 3/4 Time. Cut all the vegetables into strips, grate them gen

Sides Salt Apples Sunflower kernels ...

Spread broccoli into small bouquets and give them a light boiling point. Cooled off. Brown bacon on the forehead. Red onions are cut into small terns. The mussel wrap is flavored with red wine vinegar and salt. Broccoli, sunflower seeds, red onions, raisins an

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Mix the beef with onions. Garlic, 3 spoon chilisauce salt and pepper. Shaped into steaks. Bacon is put on the edge of the steaks possibly. With toothpicks. Stir in oil 2-4 minutes on each side depending on where the red steaks are desired. Place the steaks in

Mains Bacon Cheese Pepper ...

Form 8 thin steaks. Lay the stuff on the 4 and put the others over and squeeze them together at the edge. Put bacon around. Sprinkle with salt and pebbles. Stir in the oven for approx. 20 min at. 200 gr. Let them pull for 5 min before serving.

Mains Pepper Salt Sausages ...

Cut the bacon into the tern and wrap them in the pan and pick it up. Chop the loaf roughly and season them in the grease from the bacon. Add a little extra fat to (magarine) add tomato sauce Bring boiling water and simmer for about 10 minutes. Cut the sausa

Mains Peper Salt Brocoli ...

Cut leeks and brocoli into pieces and boil them for 5 minutes. Pour the water off and equip them in an ovenproof dish. Mix cremfreise with salt & amp; Pepper and then stir in ham and cheese. Cook the pasta and mix them in the cremfreise blaningen. Then pour