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Recipes with Aubergines

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes ...

Sweat the chopped onion and garlic first, then swab the meat. Add tomato sauce and tomato casserole, + spices and salt and pepper. Cut the potatoes and aubergines in about ½ cm thin slices and raise the eggplant in oil. Once you've done it, start by plac

Sides Pepper Salt Mint ...

Wash the vegetables and clean the ends of squash, aubergines and peppers. Peel the potatoes and onions, rinse the tomatoes. Cut it all into thick slices. Put it all in a large pan. Mix freshly chopped parsley and mint with olive oil, salt and pepper and spr

Mains Aubergines Leaf parsley Fresh cod fillet ...

Take a proper serving of sunflower tomatoes cut into smaller bites, for example. 1/2 - 1/4 aubergines are also cut into smaller cubes, cut reddish in quarters - sauté all ingredients in a good oil with a little butter - add some whole garlic cloves with salt a

Mains Basil Olive oil Wheat flour ...

The peeled tomatoes are seasoned and heated with oil and basil leaves and salt. Three whole eggs are whipped together with a glass of water and a little salt for a pan. Peel the aubergines and cut them in slices along. Dissolve the slices with salt, dip into t

Sides Salt Onion Light broth ...

Arrow and heel loosened. Peel the tomatoes, flake them and chop them. Chop the aubergines in the tern and let them draw 1/2 hour sprinkled with salt. Heat well half of the oil in a deep pan and raise the aubergines golden. Remove them from the forehead, pour o

Mains Aubergines Dressing Beef rolls ...

dressing: Stir the milk with salt and pepper. Place it covered in the refrigerator for at least 1/2 hour. Taste like Beef Rolls: Stir the meat with salt. Add finely chopped onion, crushed garlic, freshly chopped parsley, cheese, pepper and egg. Stir the m

Mains A bit of green coriander Rice Sauce ...

It is cut into small pieces and put into water. Everything is going on. Boil to boil and cook for 3-4 minutes. Meanwhile, the deliciously spicy sauce is made. Bring coconut and green chili along with water, birch and salt. Put the lid on and let the blen

Mains Grated cheddar cheese-grated Cooked rice-Jasmine iris Allspice ...

Heat the oven up to 250 degrees. The aubergines are cut into thin slices, sprinkle with salt on both sides and stand for approx. 20 minutes. Afterwards the salt is rinsed, the aubergines are dried with paper and put into one layer on a baking sheet (poss